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YouControl ExpressAnalysis method

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ExpressAnalysis is an analytical scoring indicator, formed on the basis of calculated values of YouControl Express Analysis factors. It reflects the level of the thoroughness for the contractors to check the company.
The ExpressAnanysis index sums up the results of the company Express Analysis and instantly indicates the recommended level of attention to pay for further research of the company, using the YouControl system tools, as well as data from other sources of information.
screenshot express analisys


"No special signals" — the company has no signals among the list of estimated factors of rapid analysis to pay attention to, or they are few or insignificant.
"Worth paying attention" — recommended paying attention to several identified signals regarding the company's activities among the calculated Express Analysis factors.
"Require special attention" — recommended conducting a thorough assessment of the company reliability, taking into account the numerous and/or strong Express Analysis signal factors with critical values.
"Require very close attention" — extremely critical signals that may indicate a disruption in the company normal mode of operation found. We recommend enhanced reliability testing before cooperation.

Principles of calculation

The index categorical score A, B, C or D for ExpressAnalysis is calculated for each company automatically based on the decision tree algorithm, shown in Fig.1.

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Fig. 1. ExpressAnalysis logic flowchart

The proposed algorithm for assigning categories to the ExpressAnalysis index is based on the results of a series of empirical studies on the signal ability of various YouControl Express Analysis factors. The latter may indicate the presence of problems for companies in terms of meeting regulatory requirements and/or maintaining the reputation and/or fulfilling debt obligations to banks, their own employees and other contractors, or, according to the most pessimistic scenario, the possibility of losing the ability to normal functioning and fully business activity.

For example, the "D" index is assigned to all companies with at least one of the stop factors, до яких віднесено “Відсутність статусу юридичної особи”,“Банкрут”, “В стані припинення”, "Компанія перезареєстрована в Криму", "Компанія під санкціями", "Засновник компанії під санкціями”.

"A" index is primarily assigned to companies where the condition of the ideal state is satisfied: when the number of calculated factors is more than 50% of all factors (that is, there are few factors in the company with "insufficient data" values) and at the same time the number of "yellow" and "red" factors equal to zero (that is, no Express Analysis factor indicated “require special attention” or “worth paying attention”).

For other cases that do not fall under the above scenarios, index values from "A" to "D" are assigned, depending on a combination of factors such as:

a) the presence of alerts on factors-strong predictors such as Express Analysis factors that in the course of empirical studies conducted by YouControl showed high signaling ability and were more characteristic of less trustworthy companies;

b) the presence of "red" alerts, that is, Express Analysis factors, the values of which indicate that they "require special attention";

c) the number of alerts that worked for the company in one of 4 possible scenarios. The more strong predictors and critical factors worked among the Express Analysis components, the lower the ExpressAnalysis index.

ExpressAnalysis is based solely on the factors of the contractor’s Express Analysis not involving financial indicators used to calculate FinScore or MarketScore. Thus, you can understand the essence of the company by comparing three independent scoring products:

• ExpressAnalysis (scoring index of Express Analysis factors)

• FinScore (scoring index of the company's financial stability)

• MarketScore (scoring index of the company's market power).

For non-profit organizations with no generally accepted financial indicators, it is theoretically possible to calculate only ExpressAnalysis. However, the ExpressAnalysis index is not calculated for legal entities with the number of factors impossible to find data for the alerts calculation exceeds 75% of the existing number of factors.

Express Analysis factors

The set of factors for contractor’s analysis is based on the accumulated experience of YouControl and best practices of compliance assessments, including the companies compliance with the requirements and recommendations that are approved in the regulatory acts or mentioned in the letters of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the National Bank of Ukraine, the State fiscal service, State Service of Financial Monitoring of Ukraine, etc.

Need your special attention
Number of factors with critical values that require special attention. In the chart below, such signals are being highlighted red.
Need your attention
Number of factors with values that may require your attention. However, they are less significant than the group of signals above. In the chart below, such signals are being highlighted yellow.
No special attention required
Кількість факторів, за якими спеціальна увага не потребується. Нижче в таблиці такі сигнали кольором не виділяються.
scheme img
The number of factors requiring special attention should not be directly identified with the level of company's unreliability, because:
  • • The importance of each signal can vary significantly (for instance, depending on the purpose of the analysis);
  • • Due to the effect of interconnection, the combination of negative values of some factors can give a significantly higher negative signal than the simple sum of the individual factors;
  • • Some factors may indicate only potential problems and require more precise assessment;
  • • Signals detected during the express analysis are not 100% accurate, but only narrow the level of uncertainty in terms of the list of verified factors.
Factors of Express analysis of a counterparty by YouControl
Legal capacity
  • Terminated (no state registration)
  • Bankrupt
  • In termination
  • Limited competence of officials
  • No director
  • No participants
  • A company trades with countries under sanctions
  • Sanctions related to a business entity
  • The founder/participant/final beneficiary is a resident of a country under sanctions
  • The founder/participant/final beneficiary is a resident of a country under sanctions
  • A company was re-registered in the occupied Crimea
"Qualification" criteria
  • Insufficient period of existence
  • Insufficient funding according to the reported founding capital
  • No NACE codes
  • No sign of non-profitability
Control and reputation
  • Influence and coordination of actions by third parties on decision-making by the ultimate beneficial owner (controller) regarding the business activities of the legal entity
  • The ultimate beneficial owner (controller) of the legal entity is a director or signatory
  • Restrictions on the powers of the director, who is the ultimate beneficial owner (controller)
  • There is negative information in official and/or public sources about the company or its ultimate beneficial owner (controller), indicating a possible connection with terrorism or other criminal/illegal activities
Business activities
  • General business activities
  • A wide range of registered activities
  • Activities that require special attention
Operational features
  • Lack of production/office premises, other assets sufficient for the legal entity to conduct the relevant type of business activity
  • Available information that the legal entity does not comply with the legal requirements for submitting reports to fiscal/statistical authorities
  • Authorised capital has not been formed or has not been formed in full
  • Location in the housing stock
  • Location in the occupied territory
  • A founder/ultimate beneficiary is a person registered in the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine
Founders/participants in foreign jurisdictions
  • Founders/participants in the so-called "offshore" jurisdictions recognised in Ukraine (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1045)
  • Founders/participants in the EU Blacklist
  • Founders/participants in the FATF Blacklist
  • Founders/participants in the OECD Blacklist
  • Founders/participants in "offshore" jurisdictions recognised in Ukraine (Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 143-p)
Institutional changes
  • Frequent institutional changes
  • Changes in types of activities
  • Short tenure of the director
Court decisions
  • Court decisions related to a contractor
  • Open enforcement proceedings
  • Tax debt
Unknown owners
  • Ultimate beneficiaries are not identified
  • Transactions with so-called "offshore" jurisdictions recognised in Ukraine. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1045
  • Transactions with jurisdictions from the EU's "Black list"
  • Transactions with jurisdictions from the FATF Blacklist
  • Transactions with jurisdictions from the OECD Blacklist
  • Transactions with "offshore" jurisdictions recognised in Ukraine (Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 143-p)
  • Relations with a national public figure
  • Location of participants/ultimate beneficial owners (controllers) in jurisdictions listed in the Global Terrorism Index
  • Facts of change of the ultimate beneficial owner (controller) of the legal entity, which belonged to PEP
  • Location of participants/ultimate beneficial owners (controllers) in the jurisdictions listed in the Corruption Perceptions Index
Criminal proceedings
  • Information on criminal proceedings regarding crimes against the foundations of national security of Ukraine
  • Information on criminal proceedings regarding crimes against human life and health
  • Information on criminal proceedings regarding crimes against sexual freedom and sexual inviolability
  • Information on criminal proceedings regarding crimes against electoral, labour and other personal rights and freedoms of individuals
  • Information on criminal proceedings regarding crimes against property
  • Information on criminal proceedings regarding economic crimes
  • Information on criminal proceedings regarding crimes against the environment
  • Information on criminal proceedings regarding crimes against public safety
  • Information on criminal proceedings regarding crimes against industrial safety
  • Information on criminal proceedings regarding crimes against traffic safety and transport operation
  • Information on criminal proceedings regarding crimes against public order and morality
  • Information on criminal proceedings regarding crimes in circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogues or precursors and other crimes against public health
  • Information on criminal proceedings regarding crimes against the authority of state authorities, local self-government bodies, associations of citizens and crimes against journalists
  • Information on criminal proceedings regarding crimes in official activity and professional activities associated with the provision of public services
  • Information on criminal proceedings regarding crimes against justice
  • Information on criminal proceedings regarding crimes against the established procedure of military service (war crimes)
  • Information on criminal proceedings regarding crimes against peace, human security and international law and order
Public procurement
  • Frequent disqualifications
  • Low win rate
  • Large number of CPV divisions
Violations of economic competition laws
  • Violations of antitrust laws
  • Violations of unfair competition laws
The total number of proven factors is increasing as Express analysis of contractors is developing, according to the best international practices.
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