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Швидка та законна перевірка фізичних осіб з YouControl People

Перевірте потенційного бізнес-партнера, верифікуйте клієнтів, кандидатів на посаду або орендодавця на добропорядність.

При цьому, зважте на обставини, що потребують обачності:

  • наявність боргів;
  • санкції;
  • переховування від органів влади;
  • використання недійсних документів;
  • приналежність до політично значущих осіб.

Кому важливо перевіряти фізичну особу

  • СПФМ
  • Бізнесу
  • For Lawyers
  • Рієлторам
  • For HR service
  • Банкам
  • Службам безпеки компаній
  • Приватним особам

Ідентифікація і верифікація клієнтів для мінімізації ризику бути використаним з метою легалізації (відмивання) доходів, одержаних злочинним шляхом, фінансування тероризму чи фінансування розповсюдження зброї масового знищення, а також інших ризиків.

Ольга, фріланс-бухгалтер

Я маю велику кількість клієнтів, як юридичних так і фізичних осіб, тому користуємося YouControl People для здійснення заходів первинного фінансового моніторингу. Цінуємо продукт за вчасні оновлення інформаційних баз, використання надійних джерел для забезпечення проведення належної перевірки клієнтів. Ваші продукти є незамінними!

Будь-які угоди між суб'єктами господарювання: перевірка контрагентів, пошук та перевірка керівників, учасників і КБВ, інших пов'язаних із контрагентом фізичних осіб. Моніторинг змін стосовно цих осіб.

Михайло, СEО

YouControl People став невід'ємним інструментом для наших перевірок контрагентів. Система дозволяє нам з легкістю перевіряти ділову та медійну репутацію учасників договорів, забезпечуючи нам впевненість у виборі надійних партнерів.

Важливо перевіряти не лише юридичних осіб, а й приділяти увагу пов'язаним із ними фізичним особам, оскільки їх юридичні статуси, обставини їх діяльності та характер зв'язку безпосередньо впливає на ризики господарських правовідносин.

Аліса Марченко, юрист

Використовую YouControl People для здійснення процедур due dilligence перед прийняттям рішення про вчинення правочинів із контрагентами, а також подальший моніторинг для уникнення майбутніх ризиків.

Купівля, продаж, оренда нерухомості. Виявлення “чорних нотаріусів” та недійсних документів.

Катерина, рієлтор

Завдяки системі YouControl People, як ріелтор, я отримала надійний інструмент для перевірки осіб у процесі угод з нерухомістю. Я можу швидко пересвідчитися, що документи дійсні і нічого не підкручено. Наприклад, нещодавно завдяки системі разом з замовником дізналися, що квартира, яка була виставлена на продаж, була об’єктом судових спорів. Таким чином нам вдалося попередити настання ризикових ситуацій. Також це допомагає виявляти "чорних нотаріусів".

Працевлаштування нового співробітника, а також перевірка діючих співробітників. Моніторинг змін стосовно співробітників для своєчасного прийняття правильного рішення стосовно колеги: допомогти, підтримати, придивитися до проблеми або ініціювати вжиття заходів дисциплінарного впливу.

Оксана, рекрутер

Масовий рекрутинг дуже виснажує, по 100 кандидатів на день буває, а особливість така, що їм треба відповісти швидко, 1-2 дні, вони не дуже ретельно перебирають роботу. Перевіряємо анкети масово, автоматично підкреслюємо певні обставини діяльності кандидатів, на які слід звернути увагу під час подальшої співбесіди.

Кредит для фізичних та юридичних осіб, перевірка платоспроможності та благонадійності. Моніторинг змін для своєчасного реагування: початок роботи із Soft-collection (дистанційна комунікація про необхідність покриття боргу) та Hard-collection (інформування боржника про наявність боргу), подача заяви із вимогами кредитора.

Іван, представник служби безпеки

YouControl People для нас важливий інструмент. Ми використовуємо його для аналізу ризиків та надійності клієнтів, що є важливим етапом у процесі видачі кредитів фізичним особам.

При працевлаштуванні нового співробітника чи проведенні службового розслідування, для доповнення профіля особи. Під час вивчення контрагентів.

Сергій, керівник служби безпеки

YouControl People полегшує нам можливість створювати комплексні профілі осіб, полегшуючи вибір кандидатів та прийняття обґрунтованих рішень. Система дозволяє нам не лише зосередитися на професійних якостях співробітників, але й ефективно визначити можливі ризики при співпраці з різними контрагентами.

Купівля, продаж або оренда нерухомості, авто, інструменту, техніки, тощо. Надання грошей в борг або будь-яка інша угода з іншою фізичною особою, в тому числі через інтернет. Спостереження за собою для розуміння і вчасного реагування на власні ризики (виконавчі провадження, судові справи тощо).

Ірина, адміністратор

Використовувала YouControl People, коли хотіла орендувати квартиру. Зручний сервіс, щоб зрозуміти наскільки добропорядні особи, та, зокрема, чи належить їм квартира, яка тебе цікавить.

Як відбувається перевірка

Enter the data you know (for example, full name)

Система YouControl знаходить записи, що відповідають запиту

You get the check result.

Що ви дізнаєтеся завдяки перевірці фізичної особи в YouControl?


Дізнайтеся, в яких компаніях особа є, або була керівником, підписантом, учасником, КБВ, акціонером чи головним бухгалтером. Також ви побачите, чи була особа:

  • зареєстрована як ФОП
  • входила до складу громадських формувань та об’єднань
  • мала чи має зв'язки з корпоративними групами

Борги фізособи

Перевірте, чи немає фізособи в Єдиному реєстрі боржників, серед боржників Фонду гарантування вкладів фізичних осіб та/або автоматизованій системі виконавчих проваджень.

Судові справи та рішення

За допомогою зручних фільтрів можна обрати справи із певним статусом особи у справі, формою судочинства, певним судом, або навіть регіоном. Також наявні записи стосовно справ, призначених до розгляду.

Правопорушення та Розшук

Ви дізнаєтеся про поточні та історичні дані таких джерел:

  • Розшукові набори МВС (зниклі особи та ті, що в розшуку)
  • Розшукові набори СБУ (люди в розшуку та зрадники, що перейшли на бік ворога)
  • Санкційні списки РНБО
  • Міжнародні санкційні списки США, ЄС, ООН, Великобританії, Канади, Австралії
  • Списки терористів від Державна служба фінансового моніторингу України
  • Реєстр корупціонерів
  • Список підозрюваних магістральної справи "24 лютого"

Інформація про особу в медіа

Ви дізнаєтеся дані про різні медіа джерела, які не відносяться до офіційних джерел чи державних реєстрів:

  • Блок “Репутація в медіа”
  • “Реєстр Zрадників країни” руху ЧЕСНО
  • Дані Центру "Миротворець"
  • Російські воєнні злочинці
  • "Війна і санкції"

Зв'язок з владою

Перевірте наявність різноманітних зв’язків з владою:

  • Чи є особа суб'єктом декларування та національним публічним діячем (НПД)
  • Зі списком осіб, пов'язаних із суб’єктами декларування та НПД
  • З блоком “Центральна виборча комісія”, що містить дані про 34 категорії осіб, які були задіяні/брали участь у виборах народних депутатів України, виборах Президента України та місцевих виборах
  • Чи наявна особа в Єдиному державному реєстрі осіб, щодо яких застосовано положення Закону України “Про очищення влади”
  • З активністю особи щодо фінансування політичних партій
  • Чи є особа нотаріусом, адвокатом, помічником/стажером адвоката, чи належить вона до “чорних нотаріусів”
  • Зв’язок особи з народними депутатами
  • Зв’язок особи з представниками судової влади

Власність фізичної особи

Дані розділу можуть допомогти визначити майновий/фінансовий стан особи через дані про нерухомість та земельні ділянки з ДРРП, автотранспорт у власності та у користуванні.

Перевірка документа

Перевірте паспорт громадянина України на предмет недійсності та/або чи не є паспорт викраденим чи втраченим. Окремо можна перевірити документ про освіту.

Почніть перевіряти сьогодні

Чому важливо не лише перевіряти, а й моніторити фізичну особу?

Моніторинг дозволяє відслідковувати зміни у справах фізичних осіб, які можуть бути важливими для вашої подальшої співпраці. Наразі моніторинг YouControl People відслідковує зміни в наступних даних:
  • Пов'язані компанії та ФОП
  • Court cases
  • Приналежність до осіб, які вчинили корупційні або пов'язані з корупцією правопорушення
  • Власність (автотранспорт та нерухомість)
  • Борги (виконавчі провадження)
  • Перевірка МВС, СБУ та Санкції РНБОУ та міжнародні санкції
  • Passport verification


Individuals Check
22 € / day
Individuals Check
115 € / month
Individuals Check
912 € / year
Full access
2 712 € 2 445 € / year
1 user
Team Full access
3 772 € / year
2 users
Team Full access
4 793 € / year
3 users
Team Full access
5 923 € / year
4 users
Team Full access
7 000 € / year
5 users
Team Full access
8 080 € / year
6 users
Team Full access
Personally calculated price
7 users
Team Full access
Personally calculated price
8 users
Team Full access
Personally calculated price
9 users
Team Full access
Personally calculated price
10 users
Individuals Check
Individuals Check
Individuals Check
All analytical tools and system features for checking and monitoring individuals
All analytical tools and system features for checking and monitoring individuals
All analytical tools and system features for checking and monitoring individuals
22 € / day
115 € / month
912 € / year
  • 20 000 checks of individuals (per year) 1 665 checks of individuals (per month) 100 checks of individuals (per day) Check citizens and non-residents of Ukraine, obtaining data from 80+ sources of information.
    Find out risk factors and avoid cooperation with persons who:

    - Are associated with unfair persons, entities or political parties;
    - Use forged passports or diplomas;
    - Flee from government authorities;
    - Were convicted for corruption;
    - Have debts or other insecurity factors.
  • 100 individuals to monitor Automatically keep track of changes in the registers in respect of individuals of interest for you. In the YouControl People tariff you can add individuals to the monitoring and receive automatic notifications on them via e-mail.
  • 100 individuals to monitor Automatically keep track of changes in the registers in respect of individuals of interest for you. In the YouControl People tariff you can add individuals to the monitoring and receive automatic notifications on them via e-mail.
  • 80+ sources of information Get the most complete and up-to-date information on a person from 80+ sources.

    Find out more
  • Search by category Access to YouControl People allows finding the following person's data:
    - Connections with companies, private entrepreneurs and financial and industrial groups;
    - Tax arrears and enforcement proceedings;
    - Court cases set for hearing and heard;
    - Wanted by the Internal Ministry and the Security Service list;
    - International sanctions, National Security and Defence Council sanctions and terrorist lists;
    - Corrupt and vetted officials;
    - Belonging to national public figures, declaration entities and associated persons;
    - Participation in election processes (34 person categories) and financing parties and candidates (11 person categories);
    - Lawyers, notary officers and “black” notary officers;
    - Property (Motor Transport and Real Estate);
    - Passport and diploma verification.
Unique tools: TOP 3 Unique tools: TOP 3 Unique tools:
  • Monitoring of changes Automatically keep track of changes in the person's activity and receive notifications via e-mail. Just check once and then add the person to the monitoring. Use the tool to save time for checks and make cooperation decisions quicker.

    You will be first to learn about:
    - The person's debts and enforcement proceedings;
    - Alterations in real estate data;
    - Alterations in motor transport data;
    - The person's registration records with the revenue and duty authorities;
    - Placement of the person on the corrupt officials register;
    - Placement on the National Security and Defence Council sanction list;
    - The emergence of new affiliated companies and private entrepreneurs, or changes in their status;
    - person's pasport declared stolen or lost;
    - Assignment of new lawsuits and updates on current cases.
  • Monitoring of changes Automatically keep track of changes in the person's activity and receive notifications via e-mail. Just check once and then add the person to the monitoring. Use the tool to save time for checks and make cooperation decisions quicker.

    You will be first to learn about:
    - The person's debts and enforcement proceedings;
    - Alterations in real estate data;
    - Alterations in motor transport data;
    - The person's registration records with the revenue and duty authorities;
    - Placement of the person on the corrupt officials register;
    - Placement on the National Security and Defence Council sanction list;
    - The emergence of new affiliated companies and private entrepreneurs, or changes in their status;
    - person's pasport declared stolen or lost;
    - Assignment of new lawsuits and updates on current cases.
  • History of deletion of data from registers Complete individual's data is available in the YouControl People module for checks and detail analysis, including data deleted from the registers.
  • Financial monitoring Perform financial monitoring with the help of YouControl tools and check the counterparty for compliance with the Financial Monitoring Law. We advise using it to avoid penalties and to operate in a lawful manner
Services and bonuses:
  • Manager support Every client is assigned a personal manager to:

    - conduct individual training (on request);
    - promptly answer the questions about how the system works;
    - convey your wishes regarding the system operation to the developer team;
    And most importantly, to be around at all times when you use YouControl.
  • Personal manager Every client is assigned a personal manager to:

    - conduct individual training (on request);
    - promptly answer the questions about how the system works;
    - convey your wishes regarding the system operation to the developer team;
    And most importantly, to be around at all times when you use YouControl.
  • Personal manager Every client is assigned a personal manager to:

    - conduct individual training (on request);
    - promptly answer the questions about how the system works;
    - convey your wishes regarding the system operation to the developer team;
    And most importantly, to be around at all times when you use YouControl.
  • Training and certification The YouControl People licence includes:
    - free corporate training on how to use the system (on request);
    - personal training with award of YouControl Academy certificate.

    Find out more
  • Participation in the loyalty programme When buying yearly YouControl People licence or renewing your existing one, you join the YouControl Family loyalty programme. You will be automatically receiving points, which you can exchange for gifts.

    Find out more
Discount -15%
For Advisory Opinion and Scientific Legal Review
We have prepared special discounts for our clients. Order detailed Advisory Opinion or Scientific Legal Review with a 15% on a permanent basis

Find out more
Full access Team Full access Team Full access Team Full access Team Full access Team Full access Team Full access Team Full access Team Full access Team Full access
Recommended for financial monitoring and full-scale checks of companies, private entrepreneurs and individuals
Recommended for financial monitoring and full-scale checks of companies, private entrepreneurs and individuals
Recommended for financial monitoring and full-scale checks of companies, private entrepreneurs and individuals
Recommended for financial monitoring and full-scale checks of companies, private entrepreneurs and individuals
Recommended for financial monitoring and full-scale checks of companies, private entrepreneurs and individuals
Recommended for financial monitoring and full-scale checks of companies, private entrepreneurs and individuals
Recommended for financial monitoring and full-scale checks of companies, private entrepreneurs and individuals
Recommended for financial monitoring and full-scale checks of companies, private entrepreneurs and individuals
Recommended for financial monitoring and full-scale checks of companies, private entrepreneurs and individuals
Recommended for financial monitoring and full-scale checks of companies, private entrepreneurs and individuals
2 712 € 2 445 € / year
1 user
3 772 € / year
2 users
4 793 € / year
3 users
5 923 € / year
4 users
7 000 € / year
5 users
8 080 € / year
6 users
Personally calculated price
7 users
Personally calculated price
8 users
Personally calculated price
9 users
Personally calculated price
10 users
Available in the yearly tariff
  • 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 000 individuals files Check citizens and non-residents of Ukraine, obtaining data from 80+ sources of information.
    Find out risk factors and avoid cooperation with persons who:
    - Are associated with unfair persons, entities or political parties;
    - Use forged passports or diplomas;
    - Flee from government authorities;
    - Were convicted for corruption;
    - Have debts or other insecurity factors.
    Тариф включає 30 000 досьє фізичних осіб ( 20 000 для основного та 10 000 для додаткового робочого місця).

    Check every citizen or non-resident of Ukraine, obtaining data from 100+ official sources of information. Find out risk factors and avoid cooperation with persons who:
    - Are associated with unfair persons, entities or political parties;
    - Use forged passports or diplomas;
    - Flee from government authorities;
    - Were convicted for corruption;
    - Have debts or other insecurity factors.
    Check every citizen or non-resident of Ukraine, obtaining data from 100+ official sources of information. Find out risk factors and avoid cooperation with persons who:
    - Are associated with unfair persons, entities or political parties;
    - Use forged passports or diplomas;
    - Flee from government authorities;
    - Were convicted for corruption;
    - Have debts or other insecurity factors.
    Check every citizen or non-resident of Ukraine, obtaining data from 100+ official sources of information. Find out risk factors and avoid cooperation with persons who:
    - Are associated with unfair persons, entities or political parties;
    - Use forged passports or diplomas;
    - Flee from government authorities;
    - Were convicted for corruption;
    - Have debts or other insecurity factors.
    Check every citizen or non-resident of Ukraine, obtaining data from 100+ official sources of information. Find out risk factors and avoid cooperation with persons who:
    - Are associated with unfair persons, entities or political parties;
    - Use forged passports or diplomas;
    - Flee from government authorities;
    - Were convicted for corruption;
    - Have debts or other insecurity factors.
    Check every citizen or non-resident of Ukraine, obtaining data from 100+ official sources of information. Find out risk factors and avoid cooperation with persons who:
    - Are associated with unfair persons, entities or political parties;
    - Use forged passports or diplomas;
    - Flee from government authorities;
    - Were convicted for corruption;
    - Have debts or other insecurity factors.
    Check every citizen or non-resident of Ukraine, obtaining data from 100+ official sources of information. Find out risk factors and avoid cooperation with persons who:
    - Are associated with unfair persons, entities or political parties;
    - Use forged passports or diplomas;
    - Flee from government authorities;
    - Were convicted for corruption;
    - Have debts or other insecurity factors.
    Check every citizen or non-resident of Ukraine, obtaining data from 100+ official sources of information. Find out risk factors and avoid cooperation with persons who:
    - Are associated with unfair persons, entities or political parties;
    - Use forged passports or diplomas;
    - Flee from government authorities;
    - Were convicted for corruption;
    - Have debts or other insecurity factors.
    Check every citizen or non-resident of Ukraine, obtaining data from 100+ official sources of information. Find out risk factors and avoid cooperation with persons who:
    - Are associated with unfair persons, entities or political parties;
    - Use forged passports or diplomas;
    - Flee from government authorities;
    - Were convicted for corruption;
    - Have debts or other insecurity factors.
    Check every citizen or non-resident of Ukraine, obtaining data from 100+ official sources of information. Find out risk factors and avoid cooperation with persons who:
    - Are associated with unfair persons, entities or political parties;
    - Use forged passports or diplomas;
    - Flee from government authorities;
    - Were convicted for corruption;
    - Have debts or other insecurity factors.
  • 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 individuals to monitor Automatically keep track of changes in the registers in respect of individuals of interest for you. In the YouControl People tariff you can add 100 individuals to the monitoring and receive automatic notifications on them via e-mail. Automatically keep track of changes in the registers in respect of individuals of interest for you With the Team Full Access tariff you can follow alterations with regard to individuals and receive respective notifications via e-mail. Automatically keep track of changes in the registers in respect of individuals of interest for you With the Team Full Access tariff you can follow alterations with regard to individuals and receive respective notifications via e-mail. Automatically keep track of changes in the registers in respect of individuals of interest for you With the Team Full Access tariff you can follow alterations with regard to individuals and receive respective notifications via e-mail. Automatically keep track of changes in the registers in respect of individuals of interest for you With the Team Full Access tariff you can follow alterations with regard to individuals and receive respective notifications via e-mail. Automatically keep track of changes in the registers in respect of individuals of interest for you With the Team Full Access tariff you can follow alterations with regard to individuals and receive respective notifications via e-mail. Automatically keep track of changes in the registers in respect of individuals of interest for you With the Team Full Access tariff you can follow alterations with regard to individuals and receive respective notifications via e-mail. Automatically keep track of changes in the registers in respect of individuals of interest for you With the Team Full Access tariff you can follow alterations with regard to individuals and receive respective notifications via e-mail. Automatically keep track of changes in the registers in respect of individuals of interest for you With the Team Full Access tariff you can follow alterations with regard to individuals and receive respective notifications via e-mail. Automatically keep track of changes in the registers in respect of individuals of interest for you With the Team Full Access tariff you can follow alterations with regard to individuals and receive respective notifications via e-mail.
  • Access to the system for 2 users The Team Full Access licence opens access to autonomous workplaces, their number depending on the number of users.

    Once you buy the Team licence, you get extended opportunities:
    - twice as many files available;
    - you can keep more companies in the automatic monitoring mode;
    - you can invite a YouControl expert to your office to learn to work with the system or get an online training.

    Use the Team licence, which takes account of the team work and allows you to save.
  • Access to the system for 3 users The Team Full Access licence opens access to autonomous workplaces, their number depending on the number of users..

    Once you buy the Team licence, you get extended opportunities:
    - twice as many files available;
    - you can keep more companies in the automatic monitoring mode;
    - you can invite a YouControl expert to your office to learn to work with the system or get an online training.

    Use the Team licence, which takes account of the team work and allows you to save.
  • Access to the system for 4 users The Team Full Access licence opens access to autonomous workplaces, their number depending on the number of users..

    Once you buy the Team licence, you get extended opportunities:
    - twice as many files available;
    - you can keep more companies in the automatic monitoring mode;
    - you can invite a YouControl expert to your office to learn to work with the system or get an online training.

    Use the Team licence, which takes account of the team work and allows you to save.
  • Access to the system for 5 users The Team Full Access licence opens access to autonomous workplaces, their number depending on the number of users..

    Once you buy the Team licence, you get extended opportunities:
    - twice as many files available;
    - you can keep more companies in the automatic monitoring mode;
    - you can invite a YouControl expert to your office to learn to work with the system or get an online training.

    Use the Team licence, which takes account of the team work and allows you to save.
  • Access to the system for 6 users The Team Full Access licence opens access to autonomous workplaces, their number depending on the number of users..

    Once you buy the Team licence, you get extended opportunities:
    - twice as many files available;
    - you can keep more companies in the automatic monitoring mode;
    - you can invite a YouControl expert to your office to learn to work with the system or get an online training.

    Use the Team licence, which takes account of the team work and allows you to save.
  • Access to the system for 6+ users The Team Full Access licence opens access to autonomous workplaces, their number depending on the number of users.

    Once you buy the Team licence, you get extended opportunities:
    - twice as many files available;
    - you can keep more companies in the automatic monitoring mode;
    - you can invite a YouControl expert to your office to learn to work with the system or get an online training.

    Use the Team licence, which takes account of the team work and allows you to save.
  • Access to the system for 6+ users The Team Full Access licence opens access to autonomous workplaces, their number depending on the number of users.

    Once you buy the Team licence, you get extended opportunities:
    - twice as many files available;
    - you can keep more companies in the automatic monitoring mode;
    - you can invite a YouControl expert to your office to learn to work with the system or get an online training.

    Use the Team licence, which takes account of the team work and allows you to save.
  • Access to the system for 6+ users The Team Full Access licence opens access to autonomous workplaces, their number depending on the number of users.

    Once you buy the Team licence, you get extended opportunities:
    - twice as many files available;
    - you can keep more companies in the automatic monitoring mode;
    - you can invite a YouControl expert to your office to learn to work with the system or get an online training.

    Use the Team licence, which takes account of the team work and allows you to save.
  • Access to the system for 6+ users The Team Full Access licence opens access to autonomous workplaces, their number depending on the number of users.

    Once you buy the Team licence, you get extended opportunities:
    - twice as many files available;
    - you can keep more companies in the automatic monitoring mode;
    - you can invite a YouControl expert to your office to learn to work with the system or get an online training.

    Use the Team licence, which takes account of the team work and allows you to save.
  • 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 50 60 70 000 entities' and private entrepreneurs' files per year Yearly Full Access YouControl licence gives access to complete files and allows automatically monitor counterparties' alterations. The tariff includes 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 000 checks of companies and private entrepreneurs through 5 mln files. Conduct due diligence by yourself:
    - Secure your company from financial, tax and legal risks;
    - Save time on check and analysis of any counterparty.
  • 1 000 1 350 1 700 2 050 2 400 2 750 3 100 3 450 3 800 4 150 companies to monitor Add your counterparties to company monitoring to be the first to learn about alterations in the official data. You can automatically follow alterations in 1,000 companies’ in open registers and receive respective notifications via e-mail. Add your counterparties to company monitoring to be the first to learn about alterations in the official data. You can automatically follow alterations in 1,350 companies’ in open registers and receive respective notifications via e-mail. Add your counterparties to company monitoring to be the first to learn about alterations in the official data. You can automatically follow alterations in 1,700 companies’ in open registers and receive respective notifications via e-mail. Add your counterparties to company monitoring to be the first to learn about alterations in the official data. You can automatically follow alterations in 2,050 companies’ in open registers and receive respective notifications via e-mail. Add your counterparties to company monitoring to be the first to learn about alterations in the official data. You can automatically follow alterations in 2,400 companies’ in open registers and receive respective notifications via e-mail. Add your counterparties to company monitoring to be the first to learn about alterations in the official data. You can automatically follow alterations in 2,750 companies’ in open registers and receive respective notifications via e-mail. Ви маєте можливість автоматично відслідковувати зміни в 3 100 компаніях ( 1 000 для основного та по 350 для 5 додаткових робочих місць) у відкритих реєстрах та отримувати повідомлення про них за допомогою e-mail. Ви маєте можливість автоматично відслідковувати зміни в 3 450 компаніях ( 1 000 для основного та по 350 для 5 додаткових робочих місць) у відкритих реєстрах та отримувати повідомлення про них за допомогою e-mail. Ви маєте можливість автоматично відслідковувати зміни в 2 800 компаніях ( 1 000 для основного та по 350 для 5 додаткових робочих місць) у відкритих реєстрах та отримувати повідомлення про них за допомогою e-mail. Ви маєте можливість автоматично відслідковувати зміни в 4 150 компаніях ( 1 000 для основного та по 350 для 5 додаткових робочих місць) у відкритих реєстрах та отримувати повідомлення про них за допомогою e-mail.
  • Checking connections between counterparties (50 / day) (100 / day) (150 / day) (200 / day) (250 / day) (300 / day) Find interconnections between two or more counterparties to discover potential risks and corrupt practices. Ideal for participation in tenders and procurements.
  • Affiliates Search (3 / day) (6 / day) (9 / day) (12 / day) (15 / day) (20 / day) Learn about existing links between entities, relationships between which may affect their business conditions or performance or that of the persons they represent.
  • 220+ sources of information Get the most complete and up-to-date one-stop information on legal entity or private entrepreneur from more than 220+ sources, which we have supplemented with calculations made with unique YouControl analytics tools.

    Find out more
  • Analytics indicators Use YouControl analytics tools and namely: Express Analysis, Financial Performance, Market Scoring, Financial Scoring, Credit Limit, Foreign Economic Activity, Connections Analysis, Markets.
  • Access to 35 tools Available YouControl tools: Files Overview, History, Tax Authority, Foreign Company Files, Official Notifications, Enforcement Proceedings, Search, Express Analysis, Company Monitoring, Groups, Financial and Industrial Groups, Company Connections Chart, Relationships between Counterparties, Affiliates Search, Associated Persons, Individuals Checks, Individuals Monitoring, Financial Statements, Financial Analytics, Credit Limit, Financial Monitoring, Markets, Foreign Economic Activity, Public Tenders, API YouScore, СRM Integration, Sanctions, Public Figures, Licences, Motor Transport, Land, Real Estate, Intellectual Property and Audits by Public Services.
Unique tools: TOP 5
  • Express Analysis (580+ factors) The purpose of Express Analysis is to flag factors that require particular care and strong verification. It saves time and automates a large share of business intelligence. The system checks data by 522 factors related to various lines of the counterparty's business.
  • Financial and market scoring FinScore is a company's financial strength index, computed by YouControl Analytics Department basing on 20 financial indicators that reflect in its entirety the state of the company's liquidity, solvency, profitability and business activity compared with its competitors in the marketplace.

    MarketScore is a scoring index of a company's market power, which reflects in its entirety the company's market share, its place in the industry and its growth dynamics compared with the competitors.
  • Financial monitoring Perform financial monitoring with the help of YouControl tools and check the counterparty for compliance with the Financial Monitoring Law. We advise using it to avoid penalties and to operate in a lawful manner
  • Analysis of a company's connections Research of the present and past relations of the counterparty and associated companies. Helps to:
    - analyse the counterparty's environment;
    - check to reveal toxic connections;
    - check to reveal places of mass registration and mass director.
  • Individuals Check Check any citizen or non-resident of Ukraine by obtaining access to 80+ sources of information.
Services and bonuses:
  • Personal manager Every active client is assigned a personal manager to:

    - conduct individual training (on request);
    - promptly answer the questions about how the system works;
    - convey your wishes regarding the system operation to the developer team
    promptly answer (resolve) the questions about how the system works;
    - convey wishes to the developer team
    promptly answer (resolve) the questions about how the system works;
    - convey wishes to the developer team
    promptly answer (resolve) the questions about how the system works;
    - convey wishes to the developer team
    promptly answer (resolve) the questions about how the system works;
    - convey wishes to the developer team
    promptly answer (resolve) the questions about how the system works;
    - convey wishes to the developer team
    promptly answer (resolve) the questions about how the system works;
    - convey wishes to the developer team
    promptly answer (resolve) the questions about how the system works;
    - convey wishes to the developer team
    promptly answer (resolve) the questions about how the system works;
    - convey wishes to the developer team
    promptly answer (resolve) the questions about how the system works;
    - convey wishes to the developer team
    And most importantly, to be around at all times when you use YouControl.
  • Training and certification The Full Access licence includes:
    - free corporate training on how to use the system (on request);
    - personal training with award of YouControl Academy certificate;
    - opportunity to purchase additional workplace for half a price of the valid licence.

    Find out more
    Training and certification The Team licence includes:
    - free corporate training on how to use the YouControl system;
    - personal training with award of YouControl Academy certificate.

    Find out more
    Training and certification The Team licence includes:
    - free corporate training on how to use the YouControl system;
    - personal training with award of YouControl Academy certificate.

    Find out more
    Training and certification The Team licence includes:
    - free corporate training on how to use the YouControl system;
    - personal training with award of YouControl Academy certificate.

    Find out more
    Training and certification The Team licence includes:
    - free corporate training on how to use the YouControl system;
    - personal training with award of YouControl Academy certificate.

    Find out more
    Training and certification The Team licence includes:
    - free corporate training on how to use the YouControl system;
    - personal training with award of YouControl Academy certificate.

    Find out more
    Training and certification The Team licence includes:
    - free corporate training on how to use the YouControl system;
    - personal training with award of YouControl Academy certificate.

    Find out more
    Training and certification The Team licence includes:
    - free corporate training on how to use the YouControl system;
    - personal training with award of YouControl Academy certificate.

    Find out more
    Training and certification The Team licence includes:
    - free corporate training on how to use the YouControl system;
    - personal training with award of YouControl Academy certificate.

    Find out more
    Training and certification The Team licence includes:
    - free corporate training on how to use the YouControl system;
    - personal training with award of YouControl Academy certificate.

    Find out more
  • Participation in the loyalty programme When buying yearly Team licence or renewing your existing one, you join the YouControl Family loyalty programme. You will be automatically receiving points, which you can exchange for gifts When buying yearly Team licence or renewing your existing one, you join the YouControl Family loyalty programme. You will be automatically receiving points, which you can exchange for gifts When buying yearly Team licence or renewing your existing one, you join the YouControl Family loyalty programme. You will be automatically receiving points, which you can exchange for gifts When buying yearly Team licence or renewing your existing one, you join the YouControl Family loyalty programme. You will be automatically receiving points, which you can exchange for gifts When buying yearly Team licence or renewing your existing one, you join the YouControl Family loyalty programme. You will be automatically receiving points, which you can exchange for gifts When buying yearly Team licence or renewing your existing one, you join the YouControl Family loyalty programme. You will be automatically receiving points, which you can exchange for gifts When buying yearly Team licence or renewing your existing one, you join the YouControl Family loyalty programme. You will be automatically receiving points, which you can exchange for gifts When buying yearly Team licence or renewing your existing one, you join the YouControl Family loyalty programme. You will be automatically receiving points, which you can exchange for gifts When buying yearly Team licence or renewing your existing one, you join the YouControl Family loyalty programme. You will be automatically receiving points, which you can exchange for gifts When buying yearly Team licence or renewing your existing one, you join the YouControl Family loyalty programme. You will be automatically receiving points, which you can exchange for gifts .

    Find out more
Discount -25%
For Advisory Opinion and Scientific Legal Review
We have prepared special discounts for our clients. Order detailed Advisory Opinion or Scientific Legal Review with a 25% on a permanent basis.

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YouControl People — інструмент для перевірки фізичних осіб від YouControl, команди експертів з аналізу відкритих даних.

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