In the majority of open-data sources of public information (registries, databases etc.), individual’s name is used as individuals-related data search criteria. Individual’s name is made up of their family name, given name and patronymic, referred to as Full Name. But in some cases, name is made up of different components (typically first and last name) according to national laws or customs of the national minority to which the person belongs, so in such cases it is improper to refer to patronymic .
In some sources of information other search criteria can be also used, for instance: registration number of taxpayer’s record card (RNOKPP), date of birth, place of residence, details of passport document, education document etc .
Hereby, search engines in different sources of information vary. So, when making YouControl search by maximum extent of criteria, you have to conceive that results of search from different sources are shown based on the search engines put in these sources. Tentatively speaking, the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Individual Entrepreneurs and Public Organisations allows refined search of data related to individual entrepreneurs by name and RNOKPP, while the Case Handling Stage functionality allows search only by name and does not allow search by RNOKPP or birth date at all. So, results of search queries in these sources may vary .
To address this, we are proposing a system of notations which reflects search criteria in each source of information, allowing to understand accuracy of the search results .
View the list of commodity and financial crop receipts, and evaluate debts under the receipts.
Go to the "Property""Crop Receipts"
One or several related legal entities and/or individuals, which are included in the group, control (decisive influence) the economic activities of other business entities belonging to the group.
Information is obtained from the media and/or other unofficial sources