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News 4 August 2020

YouControl Reached the TOP-5 Best Startup Innovations of Ukraine

YouControl Reached the TOP-5 Best Startup Innovations of Ukraine

The YouControl Compliance Scoring case was shortlisted for the best innovations among Ukrainian startups of 2020 at the ceremony Ukraine Innovation Awards 2020.


During the international online conference 42 Investment Summit 2020 the award ceremony was held for startups, investors and corporations from Ukraine, Central and Eastern Europe. According to the organizers, the Ukraine Innovation Awards 2020 is the first Ukrainian award for corporate and startup innovators, investors, entrepreneurs who help businesses grow due to innovations in the era of turbulence and global economic change.


The YouControl Compliance Scoring development reached the TOP-5 in the nomination “Startup Innovation Cases in Ukraine 2020”. The team presented a safe and legal automatic comprehensive solution for checking of legal entities and individuals based on 75 factors (Express analysis) and 18 parameters of checking of an individual (YouControl People).


Kyrylo Mazur, the head of the Center42 Innovation Agency, said: “To be honest, all these companies have very cool solutions. And to be shortlisted means to be selected by the jury and to be selected as one of the most progressive startups which showed effective results over the past year and which have an applicable aspect in their activity.”


Read more: 4D-Scoring of a Company: a Review of Financial Scanning by YouControl


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Blog 25 March 2021

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Blog 19 March 2021

Risks of Cooperation with Tax Evaders

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