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News 24 March 2022

Defense Ministry Together with YouControl Launched a Platform for Rapid Assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Defense Ministry Together with YouControl Launched a Platform for Rapid Assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense together with the YouControl analytical system and with the support of the International Renaissance Foundation created the online platform People for Ukraine. The project aims to unite and coordinate the actions of all volunteers working to meet the needs of the Armed Forces and the Territorial Defense. The platform will allow specialists of the Defense Ministry to monitor the opportunities for volunteers to fill specific needs for the army in real-time.



How the Platform Works  


Volunteers register on the platform. Then there is a quick verification through BankID to prevent the risk of fraud and sabotage. A volunteer fills in a short questionnaire: what assistance they are ready to provide, how much, in what locality, how quickly the need can be met. For convenience, the needs are divided into categories: clothing, food, transportation, monetary assistance, etc.


With the appropriate information, the Defense Ministry coordinators will be able to promptly fill urgent needs. The platform allows the automated distribution of assistance throughout Ukraine to the places where it is needed, and coordination of logistics for the quick delivery of goods and services.


 Advantages of Volunteering on the People for Ukraine Platform


1. It is a quick way to get help to where it's needed.

No need to make cold calls, search and ask around. Platform moderators know where and what kind of help is needed right now, so they "connect" the necessary contacts in a matter of minutes.


2. Avoids chaotic procurement.

Centralized bulk procurement decreases the burden on vendors and aid funds, as well as builds better logistics, and allows for shipping aid in batches rather than piecemeal. Economic expediency is important today.


3. Avoids scammers.

Unfortunately, scammers have also become more active during the war. To avoid fraud and forgery, entering the platform occurs only after the identification and verification of volunteers. Platform moderators from the Defense Ministry reserve the right, without explanation, to refuse registration on the platform to anyone who has not been verified. 


4. The aid must be handed over as intended.

Defense Ministry professionals coordinate the provision and receipt of assistance. On the website, you can view the status of the assistance you provided directly in your personal cabinet (requests for assistance, confirmation of receipt, etc.).


5. A strong community of responsible citizens.

Each of us is a drop in the ocean, but together we become a mighty wave, capable of solving any problem. The People for Ukraine platform was created to unite all the volunteers and to direct their potential and strength right where their help is needed the most. This coordinated volunteer center will allow the Ministry of Defense to distribute assistance throughout Ukraine, covering the needs of the Armed Forces and the Territorial Defense throughout the country.


YouControl is providing the development, testing, and refinement/improvement of the project to meet the new needs of the Defense Ministry. The security of these platforms is guaranteed by the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. After the war, the People for Ukraine portal will be used to distribute humanitarian aid for the rebuilding of the country.


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