YouControl has a new service: Expert-Profile of individuals. It contains detailed information about the activity, past, risks and even prospects of interaction with a person.
For the Expert-Profile we analyze information from the mass media and other open sources. The tools developed by the company experts allow to cover all aspects of a person’s life and business reputation: circle of connections, participation in groups and organizations, property, information about relatives. The information is provided in the form of a detailed PDF report. Data sources are listed in the profile.
Scheme of links:
• With companies, individuals and business groups;
• Roles in which a person acts in relations. For example, owner, founder, director, member of a party, assistant, party sponsor, co-owner and others.
Basic information about a person:
• Date and place of birth;
• Description of social and political activities, career stages.
Family information.
Property information:
• Real estate;
• Motor transport.
Mentions in the mass media indicating the source, date and summary of publications.
Facts of the biography that require special attention.
Such a detailed analytical report on business reliability, links and life of a person will be extremely useful to investors, entrepreneurs, employers and in some situations – to individuals as well. At the same time the collection of information does not violate the laws and personal privacy.
• Submit an application with data on a person: full name and additional information to help identify the person. This can be the date of birth, a link to the declaration, social networks, etc.;
• Pay for the service online by card;
• The profile will be delivered to your e-mail address in 1-2 working days after making the payment.
You will save energy and time not spending them on searching for information, and what is the most important – you will be sure that you have received comprehensive data and analytical conclusions from them.
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