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News 22 January 2021

Family First: Bonuses and Discounts in the Loyalty Programme YouControl Family

Family First: Bonuses and Discounts in the Loyalty Programme YouControl Family

YouControl users are people and companies that understand the importance of business security. Over the past year they checked data with the help of YouControl 53 million times. And for those who ignored business intelligence, counterparties with a number of negative traits interfered with successful cooperation and caused losses, from the loss of financial assets to reputational consequences.


You can detect and prevent such risks with the help of the YouControl system. And the degree of protection depends on the systematicity of work with data. After all, the benefits of constant access to information about counterparties are much greater than one successful contract or collection of one-time receivables. With this approach data become your shield, sword and airbag. And the mission of YouControl is to create a transparent and secure business environment with like-minded people who share these values. Simply put – with our regular customers, for whom we are launching the loyalty programme YouControl Family.


Our Offer


Protect your business systemically with the help of YouControl tools.

Choose the licence that will enable you to secure your assets and reputation and automatically join the loyalty programme.

Make sure of the real and notable benefits of constant applying business intelligence and compliance.


Your Benefits


YouControl regular customers become members of the loyalty programme.

By renewing the licence for a year or extending it to the team, you get bonuses to your account.


Bonuses can be exchanged for:

1) discounts on additional work places;

2) connection of a new user to the system;

3) other nice gifts.


But the main advantage is as follows: by remaining a regular customer, you will always be one step ahead of competitors. And since it is also economically profitable, it is all the more pleasant.


How to Become a Member of the YouControl Family


We “accept into the family” all the users who have been using the system for at least a year. If you are registered in YouControl, bonuses are credited to your account for each purchase and licence renewal for one year.


They are probably already there – to make sure and view their amount, go to your personal account, the section “Your organisation”. Here the time of your participation in the YouControl Family, the amount of bonuses and the history of their crediting/writing-off are displayed.


Bonuses can be converted into benefits. For example, if you have been using YouControl with the “Standard” licence for 5 years already and it is valid for more than 90 days, you can pay for its extension for the next year with a 10% discount, which is 27 000 UAH instead of the standard price of 30 000 UAH. At the same time 1890 bonuses will be credited to your account. The specific figures for your account are calculated in detail by the personal manager.


By the way, YouControl Family does not replace or cancel the Referral Programme. They are two different loyalty programmes, which means there are even more benefits for you from YouControl.


Our common goal is not just to check and unmask counterparties, but to build together a strong, mutually beneficial and stable business environment in Ukraine. As one reliable YouControl Family.


Check bonuses now!


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