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Researches 11 March 2020

Female Individual Entrepreneurs in Ukrainian IT: 25% Are from Kyiv, Almost 60% – Programmers

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Female Individual Entrepreneurs in Ukrainian IT: 25% Are from Kyiv, Almost 60% – Programmers

How many female individual entrepreneurs are there in the IT industry of Ukraine, from which regions are they, what precisely do they do and where the biggest increase of them is observed – these aspects have been investigated by YouControl.

The sphere of information technology in Ukraine is actually based on employees-individual entrepreneurs. In 2019 “Computer programming activities” was the third category by the number of individual entrepreneurs. And according to the results of the same year, the largest increase in the number of individual entrepreneurs (almost 11%) was also observed in this direction. But is there a gender balance among these professionals and can women provide full competition for men in terms of their amount?

In general, currently in the Ukrainian IT industry there are only 24% of women, a third of them work as Juniors and only 12% as Senior Specialists (twice less than men). Most often they come into the industry as developers, testers, designers, etc. These are data from a portrait of an IT specialist in 2019 that was “painted” by the resource according to its own survey. And YouControl analysts have examined the situation with female individual entrepreneurs in IT.

Only Up: the Number of Female Individual Entrepreneurs in IT Is Steadily Increasing

In Ukraine the total number of individual entrepreneurs, especially those who work in IT, has been increasing in recent years. And the female part of individual entrepreneurs not just supports these trends but is even ahead of some of them. Thus in 2019 the number of female individual entrepreneurs in IT increased by as many as 62% compared to 2017. At the same time the total number of representatives of micro-businesses, engaged in information technology, increased by 47% over this period. In 2019 the number of female individual entrepreneurs in IT similarly grew faster than the overall indicator compared to 2018 (+ 24% of women as opposed to + 19% overall).

Number of individual entrepreneurs with IT related types of activity

Kyiv and Business Centers: Where Do Female Individual Entrepreneurs from IT “Settle”?

Most female individual entrepreneurs from IT are located in the capital, namely a quarter of them. This picture is expected for various reasons. Firstly, Kyiv as a center of business activity attracts entrepreneurs. Secondly, the explanation can be found in the study conducted by the IT Ukraine Association and the Better Regulation Delivery Office (BRDO). According to it, about a half of the companies of the industry are registered in Kyiv. Kharkiv, Dnipro, Lviv and Odesa also have significant IT representation. Thus it is not surprising that in terms of the number of female individual entrepreneurs the next positions were occupied by Kharkiv, Lviv and Dnipropetrovsk regions.

Geographical distribution of individual entrepreneurs with IT related types of activity

There are also more unexpected data in the geography of female individual entrepreneurs from IT. By their total number traditional business regions lead, but by the increase the picture is different. In 2019 compared to 2018 the largest number of female individual entrepreneurs was registered in most regions of Western Ukraine:

• 43% in Volyn region;

• 41% in Ivano-Frankivsk region;

• 32% in Ternopil region;

• 31% in Khmelnytskyi region.

In Kyiv and Kharkiv regions their number increased by 24%, in Lviv region – by 28% and in Dnipropetrovsk region – by only 20%. The weakest increase by this indicator was observed in Mykolaiiv region (only 9%). But in the annexed Crimea and Sevastopol as a separate administrative unit, according to the registers, a decrease in the number of female individual entrepreneurs in IT was observed (by about 2%).

Programming Is Leading

Most female individual entrepreneurs from IT work in the direction of “Computer programming activities”. In 2019 there were almost 60% of them. But the number of those who have “Computer facilities management activities” as their type of activity is the smallest. There are only 0,4% of them  from the total 44,3 thous.

Distribution of individual entrepreneurs by KVEDs (classifiers of types of economic activities)

The category “Computer programming activities” had both the largest number and the largest increase. In 2019 it “expanded” by almost 27% compared to 2018. The second largest increase in the number of female individual entrepreneurs was observed by the type of activity “Data processing, hosting and related activities” (plus 23%), and the third one – by “Other software publishing” (plus 22%).

How to Check an Individual Entrepreneur?

Regardless of the fact whether an individual entrepreneur is a man or a woman, before cooperating with him/her, it is necessary to check him/her by several aspects. The first one, on which the decision if the cooperation should be considered at all depends, is as follows: whether s/he is in the process of termination of his/her activity or it has already been terminated. If s/he is not in the process of termination, then it is worth learning if the individual entrepreneur has the KVED (classifier of types of economic activity) required to work with him/her and how long s/he has been working by it. Under certain conditions of cooperation it will be important to pay attention to his/her tax group.

Check an individual entrepreneur right now!


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