Kyivskyi District Court of Kharkiv City

7b Valentinovskaya str., Kharkiv, 61168
(0572) 65-37-78
Work hours
Monday-Thursday from 09:00 to 18:00
Friday from 09:00 to 16:45
Break from 13:00 to 13:45
Approval Date Form of decision Form of court proceedings Decision No. Case No.
13.02.2025 Decision Civil 125124131 953/11426/24
13.02.2025 Court ruling Civil 125124125 953/1336/25
13.02.2025 Cases of administrative offenses 125124126 953/10504/24
13.02.2025 Court ruling Civil 125124134 953/6650/24
13.02.2025 Court ruling Civil 125124138 953/11201/24
13.02.2025 Court ruling Civil 125124127 953/10806/24
13.02.2025 Decision Civil 125124128 953/10806/24
13.02.2025 Court ruling Civil 125115922 953/1360/25
13.02.2025 Court order Civil 125115918 953/1294/25
12.02.2025 Court ruling Civil 125088438 953/1199/25
12.02.2025 Court ruling Criminal 125088456 953/486/25
12.02.2025 Court ruling Civil 125096939 953/5102/24
12.02.2025 Court ruling Civil 125096958 953/5102/24
12.02.2025 Court ruling Criminal 125088427 953/82/25
12.02.2025 Court ruling Criminal 125088428 953/82/25
12.02.2025 Court order Civil 125096823 953/1165/25
12.02.2025 Court order Civil 125096884 953/1168/25
12.02.2025 Court ruling Civil 125096966 953/520/24
12.02.2025 Court ruling Civil 125096948 953/520/24
12.02.2025 Decision Civil 125088450 953/11134/24

Frequently asked questions

Kyivskyi District Court of Kharkiv City: How can I find a court document?

You can find the required court document in Kyivskyi District Court of Kharkiv City using the YouControl service. Our system presents various search options both by region, judicial authorities (that issued the decision), and by the court case or decision number.

Where does the data about Kyivskyi District Court of Kharkiv City come from?

This page provides a list of legal documents from Kyivskyi District Court of Kharkiv City. All this important data was obtained from the Unified State Register of Court Decisions of Ukraine.

What data be found about Kyivskyi District Court of Kharkiv City?

With our system, you have the opportunity to find not only court decisions, but also get comprehensive information about Kyivskyi District Court of Kharkiv City

Address: 7b Valentinovskaya str., Kharkiv, 61168

Opening hours: Monday-Thursday from 09:00 to 18:00
Friday from 09:00 to 16:45
Break from 13:00 to 13:45

Contact information: (0572) 65-37-78

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