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Automatic verification of factors that may affect cooperation
Express Analysis
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Results of the check
What was checked

Utmost care required 2

Need to be careful 2

No special attention required 2

536 factors verified

Analytical tool Express Analysis is available in fee-based tariffs. Get registered and have demo access to see the counterparty checking results.

Express Analysis module

Analytical module Express Analysis saves your time and allows you to understand reliability of a counterparty based on data from more than 180 sources of information and verification of 536+ important factors.

Sample analytics results

Information on legal personality and bankruptcy

Sanctions imposed on a company and its associates

Judgments and criminal proceedings

Public procurement risks

Risk institutional changes and activities

Signs of us location

Date of update 12.02.2025
Access to current data
Complete and current data for today, available in a business solution or One Day plan. Complete a business registration or purchase a One Day plan.
Current data only in paid tariffs
Legal entity's full name
(as of 12.02.2025)
Legal entity's status

(as of 12.02.2025)
Статус з ЄДР
Registration date
28.12.2020 (4 years 1 month)
Authorised person
Read more
  • Гарячий Василь Вікторович kerivnyk
The size of the authorized capital
3 000 000.00 UAH
Type of business entity


01.11 Вирощування зернових культур (крім рису), бобових культур і насіння олійних культур

Total for this NACE code: 74 044

Active entities in Ukraine for this type of activity:

59 110 – Legal entities

14 934 – IE

  • 01.19 Вирощування інших однорічних і дворічних культур
  • 01.41 Розведення великої рогатої худоби молочних порід
  • 01.46 Розведення свиней
  • 01.47 Розведення свійської птиці
  • 01.61 Допоміжна діяльність у рослинництві
  • 01.63 Післяурожайна діяльність
  • 20.15 Виробництво добрив і азотних сполук
  • 46.90 Неспеціалізована оптова торгівля
  • 52.10 Складське господарство
All types of activities Hide
Location of the legal entity: Україна, **1, Харківська обл., місто Чугуїв(з), вул.Мічуріна, будинок **
Phone number: +380954287388
Date of update 12.11.2024
В цей день ми додатково зробили перевірку, та отримали такі дані.

Повні та актуальні дані на сьогодні, доступні в бізнес пакетах або в добовій ліцензії. Пройдіть бізнес реєстрацію або придбайте добову ліцензію.

Working with companies in the agricultural sector?

Use YouControl to manage cooperation risks: monitoring, land, vehicles, foreign economic activity, connections and affiliates information for due diligence.


Participants and beneficiaries 44108655

Date of update 12.02.2025
Access to current data
Complete and current data for today, available in a business solution or One Day plan. Complete a business registration or purchase a One Day plan.
Current data only in paid tariffs
Information about legal entity’s governing body
State share in the enterprise according to the register of the State Property Fund of Ukraine
List of legal entity founders/members
Гарячий Василь Вікторович

Founder address: Україна, 61089, Харківська обл., місто Харків, вул.Верстатобудівна, будинок 2, квартира 11

Amount of contribution to authorized capital: 3 000 000.00 UAH

Share (%): 100,00%

Інформація про кінцевого бенефіціарного власника (контролера) юридичної особи, у тому числі кінцевого бенефіціарного власника (контролера) її засновника, якщо засновник - юридична особа: прізвище, ім’я, по батькові (за наявності), країна громадянства, місце проживання, а також повне найменування та ідентифікаційний код (для резидента) засновника юридичної особи, в якому ця особа є кінцевим бенефіціарним власником (контролером), або інформація про відсутність кінцевого бенефіціарного власника (контролера) юридичної особи, у тому числі кінцевого бенефіціарного власника (контролера) її засновника

Гарячий Василь Вікторович
Україна, 61089, Харківська обл., місто Харків, вул.Верстатобудівна, будинок 1, квартира 12

Тип бенефіціарного володіння: Прямий вирішальний вплив

Відсоток частки статутного капіталу або відсоток права голосу: 100

Financial scoring

This is a system of estimation of a company’s financial sustainability by translating the calculated financial indicators into scores. YouControl’s financial scoring results in a composite index called FinScore.

Market Score

This is a system of measuring a company’s market power and growth rate by translating the calculated financial indicators into scores. YouControl’s market scoring results in a composite index called MarketScore.

Sanctions lists check
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icon icon icon icon icon icon icon icon icon
Amount of sanction lists
9 of sanction lists
Country and state authority

Sanctions of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine


All sanctions lists administered by OFAC of the United States Department of the Treasury


Sanctions List of EU


UN Security Council sanctions


Sanctions list of Canada


Consolidated Sanctions List of Australia


Sanctions List of the United Kingdom


Sanctions List of Japan against the Russian Federation in Connection with the Events in Ukraine


Sanctions Lists by the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) of the U.S. Department of Commerce

Details about sanctions
Tax and other state bodies

Due to the declaration of martial law in Ukraine, the State Tax Service of Ukraine in May 2022 restricted access to some public electronic registries, where it is the administrator, so some information listed under "Tax and other state bodies" is not updated, except for the data of the register of VAT payers, register of single tax payers, register of Large Taxpayers and register of non-profitable institutions and organizations.

Sign of profitability
(as of 13.02.2025)
No registration in the Register of non-profit institutions and organizations
Register of VAT payers
(as of 12.11.2024)
Canceled VAT certificate

Taxpayer identification number (cancelled): 441086520134

Date of cancellation of VAT payer registration: 14.06.2023

Reason of cancellation: non-submission of tax returns during a year

Grounds for cancellation: Анульовано за рiшенням контролюючого органу

Register "Find out more about your business partner"
(as of 01.02.2022)
Registered with public authorities for revenues and duties
Information from the State Tax Service of Ukraine on business entities that have a tax debt
Currently, the State Tax Service of Ukraine, in violation of the law , does not publish information about business entities that have tax debt.
• To obtain this information in the actual state, you should contact the counterparty.
• To view this information for past periods, use the "History of tax debt " function.
Register of Large Taxpayers
(as of 2023)
No information about the person found in the database
Place of storage of registration file
Золочівська районна державна адміністрація Харківської області
Date and number of the record of the conclusion and deregistration in the tax authorities

ID code of body: 37507880

Date of registration: 29.12.2020


ID code of body: 43983495

Information about institutional register: Реєстр платників податків

Date of registration: 28.12.2020

Registration number: 201320292603


ID code of body: 43983495

Information about institutional register: Реєстр платників єдиного внеску

Date of registration: 28.12.2020

Registration number: 10000001955128

Court Register — 5 of documents

Date of update 12.02.2025
Access to current data
Complete and current data for today, available in a business solution or One Day plan. Complete a business registration or purchase a One Day plan.
Current data only in paid tariffs
Approval Date Form of decision Form of court proceedings Decision No. Case No.
29.11.2024 Court ruling Criminal 123528118 947/36717/24
28.06.2022 Court ruling Criminal 105314765 757/732/22-к
10.02.2022 Court ruling Criminal 104332899 757/5859/22-к
31.01.2022 Court ruling Criminal 102950104 757/64066/21-к
19.01.2022 Court ruling Criminal 102719407 757/732/22-к
01.12.2021 Court ruling Criminal 101701757 757/64066/21-к
29.11.2021 Court ruling Criminal 101744900 757/62828/21-к

YouControl registered legal persons/individuals change log - 5

Only at paid licenses get your free trial
Date Event Past Present
28.12.2020 Change of the legal entity name FERMERSKE HOSPODARSTVO "ZOLOCHIVSKI NYVY"
28.12.2020 Change of a size of the authorized capital 3,000,000 UAH
28.12.2020 Change the address Ukrayina, **3, KHarkivska obl., Zolochivskyy r-n, selyshche miskoho typu Zolochiv, vul.Konyka, budynok **
Phone: *+***(****)*-****-***-***
Related individuals
Only at paid licenses get your free trial
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Get a license to view all the materials in this section.
The section contains information about the company's relations with individuals.


Get key details about the "ЗОЛОЧІВСЬКІ НИВИ" legal entity. Complete information about this legal entity will assist attorneys in making decisions about whether to work with this partner. This material can be found in open registries. This dataset can be accessed using the record number in the unified state register of enterprises and organizations of Ukraine for the legal entity with registration number 44108655. Based on a legal entity’s identification number, known as the registration certificate number for entities that are not natural persons, it can be determined in which area a given legal entity is located. For instance, "ЗОЛОЧІВСЬКІ НИВИ" is located in according to our directory for the letter Z, and the legal address of this legal entity is at Україна, **1, Харківська обл., місто Чугуїв(з), вул.Мічуріна, будинок **. Furthermore, our system can find even more in-depth records.


Our database contains information about owners and signatories, including full names of these individuals, which can be accessed by entering the business tax identification number on our site. The shareholders of "ЗОЛОЧІВСЬКІ НИВИ" include its Гарячий Василь Вікторович, as well as Гарячий Василь Вікторович. With the full version of our site you can find legal decisions related to this legal entity, information from the tax registry, and information about charter capital. This legal entity is registered legally as either a ФЕРМЕРСЬКЕ ГОСПОДАРСТВО. See other legal entities in or under the letter Z in our catalog.