Location of the legal entity: | Україна, **0, Луганська обл., Сєвєродонецький р-н, місто Лисичанськ, вул.Грушевського М. ім., будинок ** |
No information about the person found in the database
ID code of body: 37507880
Date of registration: 03.03.2021
ID code of body: 44082150
Information about institutional register: Реєстр платників податків
Date of registration: 02.03.2021
Registration number: 120921052737
ID code of body: 44082150
Information about institutional register: Реєстр платників єдиного внеску
Date of registration: 02.03.2021
Registration number: 10000002001265
Approval Date | Form of decision | Form of court proceedings | Decision No. | Case No. |
13.09.2024 | Court decree | Civil | 121592324 | 188/2210/24 |
11.09.2024 | Court decree | Civil | 121527332 | 188/2192/24 |
10.09.2024 | Court decree | Civil | 121496332 | 188/1089/23 |
10.09.2024 | Court decree | Civil | 121523298 | 172/616/24 |
09.09.2024 | Court decree | Civil | 121460047 | 188/2041/23 |
09.09.2024 | Court decree | Civil | 121460048 | 188/2036/23 |
09.09.2024 | Decision | Civil | 121460046 | 188/2041/23 |
09.09.2024 | Decision | Civil | 121460049 | 188/2036/23 |
06.09.2024 | Decision | Administrative | 121442479 | 360/721/24 |
03.09.2024 | Court decree | Economic | 121346982 | 913/378/24 |
Date | Event | Past | Present |
02.03.2021 | Change of the legal entity name |
Lysychanska miska viyskovo-tsyvilna administratsiia Sievierodonetskoho rayonu Luhanskoyi oblasti
02.03.2021 | Change the address |
Ukrayina, **0, Luhanska obl., misto Lysychansk, vul.Hrushevskoho M. im., budynok ** |