Location of the legal entity: | Україна, **0, Полтавська обл., Миргородський р-н, місто Гадяч, вул.Гадяцького договору, будинок ** |
No information about the person found in the database
ID code of body: 37507880
Date of registration: 03.02.2021
ID code of body: 44057192
Information about institutional register: Реєстр платників податків
Date of registration: 02.02.2021
Registration number: 160721026647
ID code of body: 44057192
Information about institutional register: Реєстр платників єдиного внеску
Date of registration: 02.02.2021
Registration number: 10000001979250
Approval Date | Form of decision | Form of court proceedings | Decision No. | Case No. |
02.09.2024 | Decision | Civil | 121366414 | 526/2026/24 |
29.08.2024 | Court decree | Civil | 121302749 | 643/15931/21 |
28.08.2024 | Court decree | Civil | 121246589 | 526/1809/22 |
27.08.2024 | Court decree | Civil | 121234801 | 643/15931/21 |
12.08.2024 | Court decree | Civil | 120947067 | 526/2872/24 |
17.07.2024 | Court decree | Civil | 120416709 | 526/4517/23 |
17.07.2024 | Court decree | Civil | 120474634 | 526/4517/23 |
11.07.2024 | Court decree | Civil | 120334193 | 526/2453/24 |
08.07.2024 | Court decree | Civil | 120219944 | 526/4517/23 |
03.07.2024 | Court decree | Civil | 120177907 | 526/4500/23 |
Date | Event | Past | Present |
02.02.2021 | Change of the legal entity name |
Sluzhba u spravakh ditey Hadiatskoyi miskoyi rady
02.02.2021 | Change the address |
Ukrayina, **0, Poltavska obl., misto Hadiach(pn), vul.Lesi Ukrayinky, budynok ** |