Utmost care required 2
Need to be careful 2
No special attention required 2
536 factors verified
Analytical tool Express Analysis is available in fee-based tariffs. Get registered and have demo access to see the counterparty checking results.
Express Analysis module
Analytical module Express Analysis saves your time and allows you to understand reliability of a counterparty based on data from more than 180 sources of information and verification of 536+ important factors.
Sample analytics results
Total for this NACE code: 540
534 – Legal entities
6 – IE
Location of the legal entity: | Україна, **0, місто Київ, вул.Кочура Григорія, будинок **, корпус ** |
Phone number: |
+380443903094 +380443903085
Date of update 05.02.2025
В цей день ми додатково зробили перевірку, та отримали такі дані.
Повні та актуальні дані на сьогодні, доступні в бізнес пакетах або в добовій ліцензії. Пройдіть бізнес реєстрацію або придбайте добову ліцензію. |
This is a system of estimation of a company’s financial sustainability by translating the calculated financial indicators into scores. YouControl’s financial scoring results in a composite index called FinScore.
This is a system of measuring a company’s market power and growth rate by translating the calculated financial indicators into scores. YouControl’s market scoring results in a composite index called MarketScore.
Taxpayer identification number: 377681126531
Registration Date: 03.11.2011
ID code of body: 37507880
Date of registration: 12.07.2011
ID code of body: 44116011
Information about institutional register: Реєстр платників податків
Date of registration: 13.07.2011
Registration number: 21279
ID code of body: 44116011
Information about institutional register: Реєстр платників єдиного внеску
Date of registration: 13.07.2011
Registration number: 03-15269
Description of lot | Contracting entity | Contract date | Contract amount, UAH |
Prychep traktornyy 2pts-6; prychep traktornyy 2pts-6 1 od
Derzhavne publichne aktsionerne tovarystvo «Natsionalna aktsionerna kompaniia «Ukrahrolizynh» | 04.09.2017 | 160 000 |
Dk 021:2015 - 43260000-3 — mekhanichni lopaty, ekskavatory ta kovshovi navantazhuvachi, hirnycha tekhnika (ekskavator-navantazhuvach eo-2626 abo ekvivalent); ekskavator-navantazhuvach eo-2626 abo ekvivalent 1 od
KP Prymorske | 14.06.2017 | 833 900 |
Pr-f-110 pres-pidbyrach rulonnyy; pr-f-110 pres-pidbyrach rulonnyy 1 shtuky
Tokarivskyy psykhonevrolohichnyy internat | 03.02.2017 | 195 000 |
Approval Date | Form of decision | Form of court proceedings | Decision No. | Case No. |
12.12.2024 | Court ruling | Economic | 123713204 | 927/531/18 |
11.12.2024 | Court ruling | Economic | 123673571 | 910/21049/17 |
10.12.2024 | Court ruling | Economic | 123639718 | 908/2852/15 |
18.06.2024 | Court ruling | Economic | 119806277 | 927/531/18 |
09.05.2024 | Court ruling | Economic | 118920916 | 913/414/23 |
08.05.2024 | Court ruling | Economic | 119098954 | 916/2724/23 |
08.05.2024 | Economic | 119126934 | 913/414/23 | |
07.05.2024 | Court ruling | Economic | 119011125 | 916/3812/23 |
06.05.2024 | Court ruling | Economic | 118836804 | 916/3812/23 |
03.05.2024 | Court ruling | Economic | 118818238 | 916/2724/23 |
Date | Event | Past | Present |
10.07.2011 | Change the address |
11.07.2011 | Change of the legal entity name |
12.07.2011 | Change of a size of the authorized capital | 199,293 UAH |