Utmost care required 2
Need to be careful 2
No special attention required 2
536 factors verified
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Express Analysis module
Analytical module Express Analysis saves your time and allows you to understand reliability of a counterparty based on data from more than 180 sources of information and verification of 536+ important factors.
Sample analytics results
Total for this NACE code: 14 248
6 052 – Legal entities
8 196 – IE
Location of the legal entity: | Україна, **0, Вінницька обл., місто Вінниця, ВУЛИЦЯ СОБОРНА, будинок **, офіс ** |
Phone number: |
Date of update 11.11.2024
В цей день ми додатково зробили перевірку, та отримали такі дані.
Повні та актуальні дані на сьогодні, доступні в бізнес пакетах або в добовій ліцензії. Пройдіть бізнес реєстрацію або придбайте добову ліцензію. |
This is a system of estimation of a company’s financial sustainability by translating the calculated financial indicators into scores. YouControl’s financial scoring results in a composite index called FinScore.
This is a system of measuring a company’s market power and growth rate by translating the calculated financial indicators into scores. YouControl’s market scoring results in a composite index called MarketScore.
No information about the person found in the database
ID code of body: 37507880
Date of registration: 25.09.2007
ID code of body: 44069150
Information about institutional register: Реєстр платників податків
Date of registration: 25.09.2007
Registration number: 11048
ID code of body: 44069150
Information about institutional register: Реєстр платників єдиного внеску
Date of registration: 25.09.2007
Registration number: 02310317661/02314
Description of lot | Contracting entity | Contract date | Contract amount, UAH |
Posluhy z vyhotovlennia tekhnichnoyi dokumentatsiyi z normatyvnoyi hroshovoyi otsinky zemel naselenoho punktu selyshcha vapniarka; rozroblennia tekhnichnoyi dokumentatsiyi z normatyvnoyi hroshovoyi otsinky zemel naselenoho punktu selyshcha vapniarka,vapniarskoyi selyshchnoyi rady,tulchynskoho rayonu,vinnytskoyi oblasti ploshcheiu 1060,6000 ha. 1 posluha
Vapniarska selyshchna rada | 29.11.2024 | 98 050 |
Posluhy z vyhotovlennia tekhnichnoyi dokumentatsiyi z normatyvnoyi hroshovoyi otsinky zemelnoyi dilianky vodnoho fondu ploshcheiu 14,7398 ha, kadastrovyy nomer 0524883100:06:002:0175, z tsilovym pryznachenniam-10.07 "dlia rybohospodarskykh potreb", shcho roztashovana za mezhamy s.klitenka, na terytoriyi ulanivskoyi silskoyi rady khmilnytskoho rayonu vinnytskoyi oblasti.; posluhy z vyhotovlennia tekhnichnoyi dokumentatsiyi z normatyvnoyi hroshovoyi otsinky zemelnoyi dilianky vodnoho fondu ploshcheiu 14,7398 ha, kadastrovyy nomer 0524...
ULANIVSKA SILSKA RADA | 22.11.2024 | 6 800 |
Posluhy na provedennia ekspertnoyi hroshovoyi otsinky zemelnoyi dilianky; posluhy po vyznachenniu vartosti ta vykonannia zvitu pro ekspertnu hroshovu otsinku zemelnoyi dilianky komunalnoyi vlasnosti nesilskohospodarskoho pryznachennia,z tsilovym pryznachenniam - 03,07 (dlia budivnytstva ta obsluhovuvannia budivel torhivli),shcho pidliahaie prodazhu,ploshcheiu 0,005 ha (kadastrovyy nomer 0523955400:02:001:0447),ta roztashovana za adresoiu:vul.pryvokzalna, v selyshchi vapniarka,tulchynskyy rayon,vinnytska oblast. 1 posluha
Vapniarska selyshchna rada | 12.11.2024 | 1 950 |
Approval Date | Form of decision | Form of court proceedings | Decision No. | Case No. |
21.12.2023 | Court decree | Civil | 115808425 | 145/1774/23 |
13.10.2023 | Court decree | Criminal | 114204650 | 127/31707/23 |
07.03.2023 | Decision | Economic | 109636841 | 902/1082/21 |
03.03.2023 | Court decree | Economic | 109343421 | 902/1082/21 |
15.02.2023 | Court decree | Economic | 108984209 | 902/1082/21 |
15.02.2023 | Court decree | Economic | 108984205 | 902/1082/21 |
06.02.2023 | Court decree | Economic | 108788634 | 902/1082/21 |
06.02.2023 | Court decree | Economic | 108788638 | 902/1082/21 |
12.01.2023 | Court decree | Economic | 108357559 | 902/1082/21 |
10.01.2023 | Court decree | Economic | 108319980 | 902/1082/21 |
Date | Event | Past | Present |
23.09.2007 | Change the address |
24.09.2007 | Change of the legal entity name |
25.09.2007 | Change of a type of activity | 70.31.0 - real estate agencies |