Utmost care required 2
Need to be careful 2
No special attention required 2
536 factors verified
Analytical tool Express Analysis is available in fee-based tariffs. Get registered and have demo access to see the counterparty checking results.
Express Analysis module
Analytical module Express Analysis saves your time and allows you to understand reliability of a counterparty based on data from more than 180 sources of information and verification of 536+ important factors.
Sample analytics results
Date of record: 26.04.2010
Record number: 1 389 117 0012 000003
Economic operator’s status: припинено
Location of the legal entity: | 94700, Луганська обл., місто Ровеньки, ВУЛИЦЯ КАПАНЕЛЛІ, будинок **А |
Phone number: |
Date of update 02.01.2018
В цей день ми додатково зробили перевірку, та отримали такі дані.
Повні та актуальні дані на сьогодні, доступні в бізнес пакетах або в добовій ліцензії. Пройдіть бізнес реєстрацію або придбайте добову ліцензію. |
Founder address: 94700, Луганська обл., місто Ровеньки, КВАРТАЛ ШАХТАРСЬКИЙ, будинок 12, квартира 12
Amount of contribution to authorized capital: 10 500.00 UAH
Share (%): 50,00%
Founder address: 94700, Луганська обл., місто Ровеньки, селище міського типу Великокам'янка, СТ.ТІТАРЕНКО, будинок 2
Amount of contribution to authorized capital: 10 500.00 UAH
Share (%): 50,00%
This is a system of estimation of a company’s financial sustainability by translating the calculated financial indicators into scores. YouControl’s financial scoring results in a composite index called FinScore.
This is a system of measuring a company’s market power and growth rate by translating the calculated financial indicators into scores. YouControl’s market scoring results in a composite index called MarketScore.
Taxpayer identification number (cancelled): 328421512116
Date of cancellation of VAT payer registration: 03.12.2008
Reason of cancellation: sales < than provided for by law
Grounds for cancellation: CANCELLED BY PAYER
Date | Event | Past | Present |
07.09.2004 | Change of a size of the authorized capital | 21,000 UAH | |
07.09.2004 | Change the address |
LUHANSKA OBL., M.ROVENKY VUL. KOMUNISTYCHNA BUD. **A Phone: **-***-*** Fax: ****** |
07.09.2004 | Change of a director | KRAVTSOV VITALIY MYKOLAYOVYCH |