Location of the legal entity: | Україна, **0, Сумська обл., місто Суми, Незалежності майдан, будинок ** |
Taxpayer identification number (cancelled): 238266318198
Date of cancellation of VAT payer registration: 04.12.2001
Reason of cancellation: sales < than provided for by law
Grounds for cancellation:
ID code of body: 37507880
Date of registration: 27.05.1998
ID code of body: 43995469
Information about institutional register: Реєстр платників податків
Date of registration: 01.06.1998
Registration number: 01910941
ID code of body: 43995469
Information about institutional register: Реєстр платників єдиного внеску
Date of registration: 27.05.1998
Registration number: 1819073450
Approval Date | Form of decision | Form of court proceedings | Decision No. | Case No. |
14.01.2025 | Court ruling | Economic | 124399087 | 920/1082/24 |
10.01.2025 | Court ruling | Economic | 124323666 | 920/1393/21 |
08.01.2025 | Court ruling | Criminal | 124267138 | 592/14906/24 |
06.01.2025 | Court ruling | Economic | 124229739 | 920/725/24 |
06.01.2025 | Court ruling | Economic | 124229726 | 920/1332/24 |
06.01.2025 | Court ruling | Administrative | 124240135 | 480/13022/23 |
06.01.2025 | Court ruling | Administrative | 124240137 | 480/13022/23 |
27.12.2024 | Court ruling | Economic | 124102790 | 920/1243/24 |
25.12.2024 | Court ruling | Economic | 124037534 | 920/1082/24 |
24.12.2024 | Court ruling | Criminal | 124015952 | 588/2095/24 |
Date | Event | Past | Present |
31.07.1998 | Change of a type of activity | 97400 - UPRAVLINNIA OBLASTEY, MIST KYIEVA I SEVASTOPOLIA | |
31.07.1998 | Change the address |
M.SUMY, ZARICHNYY R-N PL. NEZALEZHNOSTI BUD. ** Phone: ***-***-*** Fax: ******* |