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Date of update 18.02.2025
Access to current data
Complete and current data for today, available in a business solution or One Day plan. Complete a business registration or purchase a One Day plan.
Current data only in paid tariffs
Legal entity's full name
(as of 18.02.2025)
Legal entity's status

(as of 18.02.2025)
Статус з ЄДР
Registration date
15.07.1994 (30 years 7 months)
Type of business entity


Authorised person
Read more
  • СУЩИК ВІКТОР СТЕПАНОВИЧ 10.11.2015, kerivnyk
Information on persons authorised to act on behalf of the entity, inter alia to sign contracts, submit documents for State registration, etc.: last name, first name and patronymic, data on any existing restrictions on the entity representation
  • СУЩИК ВІКТОР СТЕПАНОВИЧ 10.11.2015, pidpysant (Vidomosti vidsutni)
  • Богуш Ірина Валентинівна pidpysant (Vchyniaty diyi vid imeni iurydychnoyi osoby, u tomu chysli pidpysuvaty dohovory toshcho (diiaty vid imeni ta v interesakh Vyshnivskoyi silskoyi rady v poriadku samopredstavnytstva v sudakh Ukrayiny, inshykh orhanakh, ustanovakh, orhanizatsiiakh ta pidpryiemstvakh, poviazanykh iz dosudovym i sudovym rozhliadom sprav ta prymusovym vykonanniam rishen iz pravamy ta oboviazkamy, iaki nalezhat uchasnyku spravy (pozyvachu, vidpovidachu, tretiy osobi), z pravom pidpysannia protsesualnykh dokumentiv), Podavaty dokumenty dlia derzhavnoyi reiestratsiyi vid imeni iurydychnoyi osoby (diiaty vid imeni ta v interesakh Vyshnivskoyi silskoyi rady v poriadku samopredstavnytstva v sudakh Ukrayiny, inshykh orhanakh, ustanovakh, orhanizatsiiakh ta pidpryiemstvakh, poviazanykh iz dosudovym i sudovym rozhliadom sprav ta prymusovym vykonanniam rishen iz pravamy ta oboviazkamy, iaki nalezhat uchasnyku spravy (pozyvachu, vidpovidachu, tretiy osobi), z pravom pidpysannia protsesualnykh dokumentiv))
  • Капітанюк Володимир Володимирович pidpysant (Vchyniaty diyi vid imeni iurydychnoyi osoby, u tomu chysli pidpysuvaty dohovory toshcho (diiaty vid imeni ta v interesakh Vyshnivskoyi silskoyi rady v poriadku samopredstavnytstva v sudakh Ukrayiny, inshykh orhanakh, ustanovakh, orhanizatsiiakh ta pidpryiemstvakh, poviazanykh iz dosudovym i sudovym rozhliadom sprav ta prymusovym vykonanniam rishen iz pravamy ta oboviazkamy, iaki nalezhat uchasnyku spravy (pozyvachu, vidpovidachu, tretiy osobi), z pravom pidpysannia protsesualnykh dokumentiv), Podavaty dokumenty dlia derzhavnoyi reiestratsiyi vid imeni iurydychnoyi osoby (diiaty vid imeni ta v interesakh Vyshnivskoyi silskoyi rady v poriadku samopredstavnytstva v sudakh Ukrayiny, inshykh orhanakh, ustanovakh, orhanizatsiiakh ta pidpryiemstvakh, poviazanykh iz dosudovym i sudovym rozhliadom sprav ta prymusovym vykonanniam rishen iz pravamy ta oboviazkamy, iaki nalezhat uchasnyku spravy (pozyvachu, vidpovidachu, tretiy osobi), z pravom pidpysannia protsesualnykh dokumentiv))
  • Дитина Анатолій Іванович pidpysant (Vchyniaty diyi vid imeni iurydychnoyi osoby, u tomu chysli pidpysuvaty dohovory toshcho (diiaty vid imeni ta v interesakh Vyshnivskoyi silskoyi rady v poriadku samopredstavnytstva v sudakh Ukrayiny, inshykh orhanakh, ustanovakh, orhanizatsiiakh ta pidpryiemstvakh, poviazanykh iz dosudovym i sudovym rozhliadom sprav ta prymusovym vykonanniam rishen iz pravamy ta oboviazkamy, iaki nalezhat uchasnyku spravy (pozyvachu, vidpovidachu, tretiy osobi)), Podavaty dokumenty dlia derzhavnoyi reiestratsiyi vid imeni iurydychnoyi osoby (diiaty vid imeni ta v interesakh Vyshnivskoyi silskoyi rady v poriadku samopredstavnytstva v sudakh Ukrayiny, inshykh orhanakh, ustanovakh, orhanizatsiiakh ta pidpryiemstvakh, poviazanykh iz dosudovym i sudovym rozhliadom sprav ta prymusovym vykonanniam rishen iz pravamy ta oboviazkamy, iaki nalezhat uchasnyku spravy (pozyvachu, vidpovidachu, tretiy osobi)))
  • Ряпич Наталія Іванівна pidpysant (Vchyniaty diyi vid imeni iurydychnoyi osoby, u tomu chysli pidpysuvaty dohovory toshcho (diiaty vid imeni ta v interesakh Vyshnivskoyi silskoyi rady v poriadku samopredstavnytstva v sudakh Ukrayiny, inshykh orhanakh, ustanovakh, orhanizatsiiakh ta pidpryiemstvakh, poviazanykh iz dosudovym i sudovym rozhliadom sprav ta prymusovym vykonanniam rishen iz pravamy ta oboviazkamy, iaki nalezhat uchasnyku spravy (pozyvachu, vidpovidachu, tretiy osobi), z pravom pidpysannia protsesualnykh dokumentiv), Podavaty dokumenty dlia derzhavnoyi reiestratsiyi vid imeni iurydychnoyi osoby (diiaty vid imeni ta v interesakh Vyshnivskoyi silskoyi rady v poriadku samopredstavnytstva v sudakh Ukrayiny, inshykh orhanakh, ustanovakh, orhanizatsiiakh ta pidpryiemstvakh, poviazanykh iz dosudovym i sudovym rozhliadom sprav ta prymusovym vykonanniam rishen iz pravamy ta oboviazkamy, iaki nalezhat uchasnyku spravy (pozyvachu, vidpovidachu, tretiy osobi), z pravom pidpysannia protsesualnykh dokumentiv))
Location of the legal entity: Україна, **1, Волинська обл., Ковельський р-н, село Вишнів, вул.Незалежності, будинок **А
Tax and other state bodies

Due to the declaration of martial law in Ukraine, the State Tax Service of Ukraine in May 2022 restricted access to some public electronic registries, where it is the administrator, so some information listed under "Tax and other state bodies" is not updated, except for the data of the register of VAT payers, register of single tax payers, register of Large Taxpayers and register of non-profitable institutions and organizations.

Register of Large Taxpayers
(as of 2023)
No information about the person found in the database
Register "Find out more about your business partner"
(as of 21.01.2022)
Registered with public authorities for revenues and duties
Information from the State Tax Service of Ukraine on business entities that have a tax debt
Currently, the State Tax Service of Ukraine, in violation of the law , does not publish information about business entities that have tax debt.
• To obtain this information in the actual state, you should contact the counterparty.
• To view this information for past periods, use the "History of tax debt " function.
Sign of profitability
(as of 09.09.2024)
The organization is included in the Register of non-profit institutions and organizations on the basis of the decision of the controlling authority of the SFS No. 31 from 09.12.2016
Register of VAT payers
(as of 29.01.2025)
Valid VAT certificate

Taxpayer identification number: 043331603106

Registration Date: 15.02.2023

Canceled VAT certificate

Taxpayer identification number (cancelled): 043331603105

Date of cancellation of VAT payer registration: 30.03.2006

Reason of cancellation: sales < than provided for by law

Grounds for cancellation: Анульовано за iнiцiативою платника

Register single tax payers

Place of storage of registration file
Любомльська районна державна адміністрація
Date and number of the record of the conclusion and deregistration in the tax authorities

ID code of body: 37507880

Date of registration: 28.04.1994


ID code of body: 44106679

Information about institutional register: Реєстр платників податків

Date of registration: 02.12.1998

Registration number: 5178


ID code of body: 44106679

Information about institutional register: Реєстр платників єдиного внеску

Date of registration: 06.02.1992

Registration number: 0310010009

Court Register — > 100 of documents

Date of update 18.02.2025
Access to current data
Complete and current data for today, available in a business solution or One Day plan. Complete a business registration or purchase a One Day plan.
Current data only in paid tariffs
Approval Date Form of decision Form of court proceedings Decision No. Case No.
10.02.2025 Court ruling Economic 125024836 903/1324/23
10.02.2025 Court order Economic 125024839 903/1311/23
10.02.2025 Court order Economic 125024838 903/1311/23
10.02.2025 Decision Civil 125125484 163/224/25
03.02.2025 Decision Civil 124890053 163/2750/24
22.01.2025 Decision Civil 124618198 163/2880/24
22.01.2025 Decision Civil 124692651 163/2782/24
20.01.2025 Decision Civil 124558020 163/2859/24
20.01.2025 Decision Civil 124558015 163/2857/24
15.01.2025 Economic 124629892 903/1324/23

YouControl registered legal persons/individuals change log - 2

Only at paid licenses get your free trial
Date Event Past Present
09.09.1997 Change the address VOLYNSKA OBL., LIUBOMLSKYY R-N, S.VYSHNIV
Phone: **-***-***,* ******
09.09.1997 Change of a director SYTONOSYTSKYY MYKHAYLO VASYLOV
Related individuals
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The section contains information about the company's relations with individuals.


Get key facts about the ВИШНІВСЬКА СІЛЬСЬКА РАДА legal entity. Complete information about this legal entity will assist owners in making decisions about whether to work with this business. This profile is available in a government registry. This collection of data can be accessed based on the record number in the unified state register of enterprises and organizations of Ukraine for the legal entity with registration number 04333164. Based on a legal entity’s identification number, known as the business tax identification number (ОКПО) for entities that are not natural persons, it can be determined in which city a given legal entity is located. For instance, ВИШНІВСЬКА СІЛЬСЬКА РАДА is located in according to our directory for the letter V, and the legal address of this legal entity is at Україна, **1, Волинська обл., Ковельський р-н, село Вишнів, вул.Незалежності, будинок **А. Furthermore, our tool can reveal even more in-depth information.


Our database contains information about shareholders and those with signing rights, including full names of these stakeholders, which can be accessed by entering the enterprise code in our catalog. The shareholders of ВИШНІВСЬКА СІЛЬСЬКА РАДА include its Сущик Віктор Степанович. With the full version of our site you can find legal decisions related to this legal entity, information from the tax registry, and information about starting capital. This legal entity is registered legally as either a ОРГАН МІСЦЕВОГО САМОВРЯДУВАННЯ. See other legal entities in or under the letter V in our catalog.