Date of record: 28.12.2019
Record number: 1 646 111 0008 004139
Economic operator’s status: ДР припинення ЮО в результаті ліквідації
Location of the legal entity: | Україна, **8, Тернопільська обл., місто Тернопіль, ВУЛИЦЯ КНЯЗЯ ОСТРОЗЬКОГО, будинок **А |
No information about the person found in the database
ID code of body: 21680000
Date of registration: 01.11.1991
Date of de-registration: 30.12.2019
ID code of body: 43142763
Information about institutional register: Реєстр платників податків
Date of registration: 02.09.1993
Registration number: 412
Date of de-registration: 28.12.2019
De-registration number: 1919180201312
ID code of body: 43142763
Information about institutional register: Реєстр платників єдиного внеску
Date of registration: 12.05.1992
Registration number: 19180425
Date of de-registration: 28.12.2019
Approval Date | Form of decision | Form of court proceedings | Decision No. | Case No. |
22.11.2024 | Court ruling | Civil | 123952690 | 607/11891/13-ц |
29.08.2022 | Court ruling | Civil | 105978617 | 594/1891/13-ц |
28.12.2020 | Court ruling | Civil | 93922328 | 607/122/15-ц |
09.12.2020 | Civil | 93505178 | 607/122/15-ц | |
30.11.2020 | Court ruling | Civil | 93268281 | 607/122/15-ц |
24.09.2020 | Court ruling | Civil | 91774876 | 607/3439/16-ц |
27.08.2020 | Civil | 91314191 | 607/3439/16-ц | |
26.08.2020 | Court ruling | Civil | 91184471 | 1915/8371/2012 |
23.07.2020 | Civil | 90591388 | 607/19036/15-ц | |
25.06.2020 | Court ruling | Civil | 90051870 | 607/10857/16-ц |
Date | Event | Past | Present |
24.12.1997 | Change of a type of activity | 97810 - SUDY | |
24.12.1997 | Change the address |
M.TERNOPIL VUL. KNIAZIA OSTROZHSKOHO BUD. ** Phone: ***-***-***,* ******* |