Utmost care required 2
Need to be careful 2
No special attention required 2
536 factors verified
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Express Analysis module
Analytical module Express Analysis saves your time and allows you to understand reliability of a counterparty based on data from more than 180 sources of information and verification of 536+ important factors.
Sample analytics results
Total for this NACE code: 183
182 – Legal entities
1 – IE
Location of the legal entity: | Україна, **3, місто Київ, ПРОВУЛОК НЕСТОРІВСЬКИЙ, будинок **-** |
Phone number: |
+380445373767 +380442391493
Date of update 19.02.2025
В цей день ми додатково зробили перевірку, та отримали такі дані.
Повні та актуальні дані на сьогодні, доступні в бізнес пакетах або в добовій ліцензії. Пройдіть бізнес реєстрацію або придбайте добову ліцензію. |
Amount of contribution to authorized capital: 13 557 127.50 UAH
Share (%): 100,00%
The share is a simple, non-documentary registered
Номінальна вартість: 0.25
Кількість: 11112112
Від загальної кількості (%): 22.21
The share is a simple, non-documentary registered
Номінальна вартість: 0.25
Кількість: 11211221
Від загальної кількості (%): 11.22
This is a system of estimation of a company’s financial sustainability by translating the calculated financial indicators into scores. YouControl’s financial scoring results in a composite index called FinScore.
This is a system of measuring a company’s market power and growth rate by translating the calculated financial indicators into scores. YouControl’s market scoring results in a composite index called MarketScore.
Separate subdivision’s USREOU code: 00137041
Separate subdivision’s registered office: Ukrayina, **0, Sumska obl., Okhtyrskyy r-n, selo Mala Pavlivka, VUL. TSENTRALNA, budynok **
Separate subdivision’s USREOU code: 00142875
Separate subdivision’s registered office: Ukrayina, **0, CHernihivska obl., misto Pryluky, VUL. KYYIVSKA, budynok **
Separate subdivision’s USREOU code: 33948480
Separate subdivision’s registered office: Ukrayina, **0, Sumska obl., misto Okhtyrka, VUL.KYYIVSKA, budynok **
Separate subdivision’s USREOU code: 22525915
Separate subdivision’s registered office: Ukrayina, **0, Poltavska obl., misto Poltava, VUL. MONASTYRSKA, budynok **
Separate subdivision’s USREOU code: 33603711
Separate subdivision’s registered office: Ukrayina, **9, Ivano-Frankivska obl., misto Ivano-Frankivsk, PIVNICHNYY BULVAR IMENI PUSHKINA, budynok **
Separate subdivision’s USREOU code: 05398533
Separate subdivision’s registered office: Ukrayina, **0, Sumska obl., misto Okhtyrka, VUL. KYYIVSKA, budynok **
Separate subdivision’s USREOU code: 00136490
Separate subdivision’s registered office: Ukrayina, **3, Ivano-Frankivska obl., Kaluskyy r-n, misto Dolyna, vul.Promyslova, budynok **
Separate subdivision’s USREOU code: 00136515
Separate subdivision’s registered office: Ukrayina, **0, Ivano-Frankivska obl., Nadvirnianskyy r-n, misto Nadvirna, VUL. HRUSHEVSKOHO, budynok **
Separate subdivision’s USREOU code: 00136875
Separate subdivision’s registered office: Ukrayina, **0, CHernihivska obl., Varvynskyy r-n, selyshche miskoho typu Varva
Separate subdivision’s USREOU code: 00136573
Separate subdivision’s registered office: Ukrayina, **0, CHernihivska obl., misto Pryluky, VUL. VOKZALNA, budynok **
Separate subdivision’s USREOU code: 00142800
Separate subdivision’s registered office: Ukrayina, **3, misto Kyyiv, PROVULOK NESTORIVSKYY, budynok **-**
Separate subdivision’s USREOU code: 00136857
Separate subdivision’s registered office: Ukrayina, **3, Ivano-Frankivska obl., Kaluskyy r-n, misto Dolyna, vul.Pidlivche, budynok **
Separate subdivision’s USREOU code: 00136544
Separate subdivision’s registered office: Ukrayina, **0, Lvivska obl., misto Boryslav, KARPATSKA BRAMA, budynok **
Separate subdivision’s USREOU code: 42475044
Separate subdivision’s registered office: Ukrayina, **3, misto Kyyiv, PROVULOK NESTORIVSKYY, budynok **-**
Taxpayer identification number: 001353926654
Registration Date: 10.10.1997
ID code of body: 37507880
Date of registration: 25.05.1994
ID code of body: 44082145
Information about institutional register: Реєстр платників податків
Date of registration: 28.11.1997
Registration number: 182
ID code of body: 44082145
Information about institutional register: Реєстр платників єдиного внеску
Date of registration: 31.03.1994
Registration number: 03-17113*
Description of lot | Contracting entity | Contract date | Contract amount, UAH |
Kod 09130000-9 – nafta i dystyliaty, (09132100-4 – benzyn a-95 ievro 5 (dstu 7687:2015); 09134200-9–dyzelne palyvo ievro-5, (dstu 7688:2015)); 09132100-4 – benzyn a-95 ievro 5 (dstu 7687:2015) 190000 litr 09134200-9–dyzelne palyvo ievro-5 (arktychne), (dstu 7688:2015) 1800000 litr
VIYSKOVA CHASTYNA T0710 | 19.02.2025 | 83 925 400 |
Kod 09130000-9 – nafta i dystyliaty, (09132100-4 – benzyn a-92 ievro 5 (dstu 7687:2015); 09132100-4 – benzyn a-92 ievro 5 (dstu 7687:2015) 150000 litr
VIYSKOVA CHASTYNA T0710 | 19.02.2025 | 5 829 000 |
Dyzelne palyvo; dyzelne palyvo 55.1 litr
KP CHernihivskyy oblasnyy teatralno-vydovyshchnyy dytiachyy (lialkovyy) teatr im.O.P.Dovzhenka | 18.02.2025 | 3 000 |
Approval Date | Form of decision | Form of court proceedings | Decision No. | Case No. |
18.02.2025 | Court ruling | Economic | 125224221 | 921/81/25 |
18.02.2025 | Court ruling | Economic | 125224215 | 921/32/25 |
18.02.2025 | Court ruling | Economic | 125224043 | 917/184/25 |
18.02.2025 | Court ruling | Economic | 125222672 | 910/11209/24 |
18.02.2025 | Court ruling | Economic | 125224635 | 915/615/24 |
18.02.2025 | Court ruling | Economic | 125224063 | 917/875/24 |
18.02.2025 | Court ruling | Economic | 125224041 | 917/884/24(917/1407/24) |
17.02.2025 | Court ruling | Economic | 125191307 | 920/83/25 |
17.02.2025 | Court ruling | Economic | 125191344 | 921/45/25 |
17.02.2025 | Court ruling | Economic | 125191337 | 921/40/25 |
Date | Event | Past | Present |
01.12.1997 | Change of a size of the authorized capital | 13,557,127 UAH | |
01.12.1997 | Change the address |
01.12.1997 | Change of a director | KOZAK IAROSLAV IVANOVYCH |