Location of the legal entity: | Україна, **1, місто Київ, ВУЛИЦЯ ІНСТИТУТСЬКА, будинок ** |
Separate subdivision’s USREOU code: 21575489
Separate subdivision’s registered office: Ukrayina, **2, misto Kyyiv, VULYTSIA PUKHIVSKA, budynok **
Taxpayer identification number: 000321026651
Registration Date: 01.10.1997
Taxpayer identification number (cancelled): 000321026651
Date of cancellation of VAT payer registration: 23.09.2004
Reason of cancellation: other cases provided for by law
Grounds for cancellation:
ID code of body: 37507880
Date of registration: 16.03.1994
ID code of body: 44116011
Information about institutional register: Реєстр платників податків
Date of registration: 25.11.1993
Registration number: 58782
ID code of body: 44116011
Information about institutional register: Реєстр платників єдиного внеску
Date of registration: 19.12.1999
Registration number: 01-000515
Approval Date | Form of decision | Form of court proceedings | Decision No. | Case No. |
10.10.2024 | Court decree | Economic | 122220234 | 910/23404/16 |
09.10.2024 | Economic | 122188049 | 922/412/24 | |
09.10.2024 | Court decree | Criminal | 122175508 | 991/1684/22 |
09.10.2024 | Court decree | Economic | 122187841 | 922/3539/24 |
09.10.2024 | Court decree | Economic | 122187744 | 922/3539/24 |
09.10.2024 | Court decree | Economic | 122186476 | 922/2860/18 |
09.10.2024 | Court decree | Economic | 122186473 | 922/2860/18 |
09.10.2024 | Court decree | Civil | 122183340 | 466/10123/24 |
09.10.2024 | Court decree | Criminal | 122181235 | 727/24/14-к |
09.10.2024 | Court decree | Criminal | 122181236 | 727/24/14-к |
Date | Event | Past | Present |
13.06.1996 | Change of a type of activity | 96110 - TSENTRALNI BANKY | |
13.06.1996 | Change the address |
M.KYYIV,PECHERSKYY R-N, VUL. INSTYTUTSKA, B.** Phone: ****-***-*** |